Issue 2015 No. 3 (44)


To question about creation of committee of all-russian peasant union in Black sea province in 1905-1907

Trekhbratov Boris A.
12-18   344

In the article on the basis of different original sources is investigated creation of the black Sea committee of the All-russian peasant union (Р’РљРЎ) and other peasant organizations, being the prototype of independent peasant party....
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The creation of soviet education system in Sevastopol in the 20-ies of XX century

Novikova Elena V.
18-22   362

The article highlights the creation of the Soviet education system in the city of Sevastopol in the 20-ies of the XX century. In November 1920, an order of the Crimean department of national education on the submission of education of the city of Sevastopol to the Board of National Education was iss...
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Toward a typology of Russian province official press (the Novgorod provincial gazette, the Novgorod eparchy gazette, the north refugee, 1838-1920)

Kozlov Sergey A.
22-27   318

Official editions for the period of the middle XIX - beginning of XX century in the Russian province influenced greatly the formation of social and cultural environment. Whilst their typological classification is still being controversial and can be difficult. In terms of the official press of Novgo...
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Development ot the russian state system of education in the early twentieth century

Artemkin Anton N.
27-33   301

At the beginning of the XIX century Alexander I forced to take the reform of the education system of the country. Starting with the establishment of ministries, including established and the ministry of education, the creation of the three universities and the approval of the statute of the universi...
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Cooperation of the soviet union and the people’s republic of China in cultivation of rubber in Hainan province in the 50 of the XX century

LГј Hui, Zhou Lixia, Yuan Lili
33-39   359

On September 15, 1952 the Soviet Union and China signed В«The contract on assistance and cooperation in cultivation and production of rubber between People's Republic of China and the Soviet UnionВ». According to this contract, the Soviet Union assumed the obligation to allow China a loan and the eq...
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Trade relations of the north caucasian nations with Russia in the second half of XVIII century

Rabadanova Albina U.
39-45   344

At the article discussed trade and economic relations of the peoples of the North Caucasus and Russia with analysis the archival, historical and ethnographic materials. There are overviews of all types of trade goods, participants of exchange operations, the characteristics of conducting trading act...
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Competition in the trade as an example of the mixed economy successful functioning in the 1920s (on materials of the lower Volga region)

Vinogradov Sergej V.
45-49   332

This article continues the series of author’s research in the history of mixed economy in the 1920s. This time in the field of vision of the author become the development of such an important sphere of economic as trade. The attempt to restrict the trade, realized by the Bolsheviks during the «wa...
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Modern Russian education and “Bologna system”: Constructing the Future

Moshchelkov Eugene N.
50-56   363

The article deals with the issues of the current stage of the national educational system development. The author identifies positive and negative aspects of the “Bologna system”, examines the historical parallels. The author notes that the process of “bacheloristion” leads to a change in th...
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The problem of consistence of public policy institutions in the context of public property management

Yakimets Vladimir N., Nicovsciy Larisa I.
57-64   327

Discusses the problems of interaction between government and civil society in the field of public policy in the context of management theory of public values, which stress the importance of their cooperation in determining the content of public values, the joint establishment of В«agendaВ» in the pr...
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The Caspian region: new energy flows and new challenges

Publication retracted: 2021-05-25

Zhiltsov Sergej S.
64-71   396

When the Soviet Union collapsed, newly independent states appeared on the shores of the Caspian, the horizons of which have significantly widened due to the development of hydrocarbon reserves. This has been essentially promoted by the formation of export pipelines in the east-west direction. We wil...
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New vector study of contemporary geopolitical processes in the Caspian region to the aspect of national security of the state

Usmanov Rafik H., Jawad Jalali Z.
71-77   354

The study authors analyzed the modern concept of geopolitics and on the basis of new facts and realities of globalization confirm the need to update the principles and methods of international cooperation. The basic tendencies of development of modern geopolitical processes of the Caspian states and...
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Political modernization of China: to the question about specific of national model

Vautumyan Arushan A., Kornienko Tatyana A.
78-82   338

Modernization is a national challenge China in the XXI century and carried out within the political and socio-economic transformation. The author pays special attention on the peculiarities of the Chinese model of modernization in the political sphere, where always there is a gradual democratization...
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International level of electoral governance

Grishin Nikolai V.
83-92   355

The paper formulated the problem of the governing the institution of elections at the supranational level. The paper observes the role of international intergovernmental organizations such as the UN, the OSCE, the Organization of American States, the African Union in electoral governance. The paper ...
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New generation of war - as new soft power

Novoselov Sergey V.
92-98   309

The article says that increasingly in the political lexicon used the word В«warВ». A variety of wars is astounding. Appeared weapons which are not connected with traditional weapons and can be used covertly, including without detection real side behind the use of these weapons. If earlier it was pos...
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Tourist and recreational cluster, as the decision of the migration situation of the north Caucasus federal district

Vasilieva Inna A.
99-109   318

The formation of the tourism cluster in the North Caucasus will help to solve migration, socio-economic problems, will help to achieve social prosperity and economic progress, as well as reduce the growth of terrorist threats that have changed the situation in the region....
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Social media in the Russian electoral process

Gandaloeva Madina T.
109-115   330

The article analyzes the functions of social networks at the different stages of the electoral process. The author conciders that web 2.0 technology has been actively enter into this process (we were considered such networks as: Interactive map of electoral districts of Moscow, all-Russian base of e...
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Development of civil society and public perception in Astrakhan region

Davydova Radmila A.
115-121   346

The article suggests the analysis of Russian civil society based on the culture-specific concepts of political developments. The author points out the difficulties of civil society establishment and the forms of interaction of government authorities with civic institutions. The main focus of the stu...
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Internal and external image of Russia in print media

Dubinkina T.Yu.
121-124   318

Article is devoted to increase of a role of influence of print media on formation of image of the state, in the conditions of increase of a flow of information and its globalization. The journalistic community and mass media, especially newspapers and other publications, are the defining factor of e...
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Foreign experience of development of information sovereignty

Penkina Valentina A.
124-128   330

The practice of protection of information of sovereignty in the USA, China and some Muslim countries, as a form of combating destructive influence on political and religious grounds, the characteristics and priorities of the information security aspects allocated two strategies of protection of info...
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The relationship of political radicalism and religious extremism: the experience of comparative research

Pokhilko Alexander Рђ.
129-133   329

In the present article the problem of the В«Islamic threatВ» reveals the socio-political origins of В«IslamismВ», analyzes the potential of Islamic teachings as a mobilizing and integrating the social forces represented in the comparative description of the factors showing the relationship of politi...
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Astrakhan region: transformations of ethnic identity of the russians

Suslikova Olga N.
133-138   320

Ethnic identity is a key psychological factor that determines the nature of interethnic interaction in a multi-ethnic region. The subject of the research is the ethnical identity dynamic of Russian young men dominating in Astrakhan region. The empirical research aims at comparative analysis of chang...
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Religious and socio-economic barriers in the process of transformation of the socio-political system of the region

Dalakov Zaurbek N.
138-141   343

The article highlights the issues associated with the development of political institutions, public authorities, and emerging with the barriers of religious and socio-economic nature. The author tries to outline the key points affecting the stabilization of the ethno-political situation....
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Actual theoretical models of democracy in CIS

Yakovlev Maxim V.
141-148   339

The four theoretical models of democracy which are created by researchers of CIS-countries analyzed in the article: “controlled”, “sovereign”, “spectator” and “traditional collectivist”, also are identified their similarities and differences. Concludes that all of them have a common ...
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The problem of euroasian integration in the political process of modern Kazakhstan

Tuleshov Tokhtar D.
149-154   304

Integration became the most important trend of modern development of political and economic space. The engine of integration processes in Eurasia is Kazakhstan which managed to involve Russia and China in this process. The Euroasian integration allows to establish the balance of forces, necessary fo...
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Political culture and cultural policy in terms of world-sytem analysis

Philipenko Evgeniy Valerevich
154-161   320

The article investigates political culture. The methodology of I.Wallerstein’s world-system analysis is employed as a foundation of this investigation. There are some disadvantages of G. Almond - S. Verba’s conception are considered. Significant problem of contradictions between classes (“clas...
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Directions of confessional policy of the Russian Federation on the islamic religious associations in the context of national security procuring

Nunuev Said-Hamzat M.
161-167   352

The article identifies directions of confessional policy of the Russian Federation in respect of Islamic religious associations in the context of national security policy. Attention is paid to the legal regulation of confessional policy and its goal-setting in the speeches of political leaders of th...
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The features of anti-corruption policy in modern Russia

Vlasenko Maksim A.
167-173   484

The issue of corruption is one of the central problems for the modern social sciences. In its development involved both the law and the sociology, political and historical science. Particular attention is paid to the corruption among the bureaucracy and the political elite. It is generally accepted ...
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Perspective of historical development of the idea of nation: civic nation and ethnic nationalities

Barbirotto Patricio Ignacio
173-176   377

The paper takes into account the development of modern nations and modern nationalities and its contemporary evolution. The current affirmed model of nation is the Civic Nation model, based on elements as laws and citizenship. Such a model coexist in states with multiple Ethnic Nationalities (an ide...
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The results of housing and communal services reforming in Russia (by the example of the Ulyanovsk region)

Lomovtseva Nataliya N., Klimovich Luydmila V.
176-183   408

The results of housing and communal services (HCS) reforming in the Russian Federation by the example of the Ulyanovsk region were analysed in this article. The main quantitative and qualitative parameters characterizing the development of the sector for the period of 2000-2012 were examined in this...
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Influence of administrative reform on relationship of the state and civil society

Abazaliyeva Madina M., Tambiyeva Zurida S.
183-188   358

In this article authors paid attention to the purpose of the system modernization of public administration which is carried out in the Russian Federation - optimization of activity of public authorities at the federal, regional and local levels, formation of clear and functionally transparent system...
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Problems and prospects of the allied relations of Russia and Republic of Belarus within EEU

Gavrilina Nataliya Ev.
189-191   321

In article the most important questions of functioning of the Union State in the conditions of geopolitical crisis are considered. The author analyzes problems and prospects of the Russian-Belarusian relations, distinctions in an assessment of the Ukrainian crisis, a problem in foreign trade, the po...
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Demographic potential youth Astrakhan region

Mironova Julia G.
192-197   331

The article analyzes the regional characteristics of demographic characteristics of young people in the Astrakhan region. The study of the demographic potential of the youth, understanding of the changes in the demographics of the youth group at the regional level, are of great scientific theoretica...
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Modernization of Eastern Europe: integration or differentiation of political expanse?

Kornienko Tatyana Anatolievna
197-202   339

In article activity of the two stages of the integration processes in the countries of Eastern Europe associated with the modernization of the political institutions in the second half and the end of XX century is considered. Indicate different level of involvement of the Eastern European region in ...
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Competence approach in ensuring the quality of training of the pharmacist to use economic knowledge in professional activity

Adzienko Vsevolod L., Popova Ekaterina A., Kotovskaya Oksana V.
203-209   340

This article describes the methods of teaching the subject "Economic theory" from the perspective of the competence-based approach to quality assurance training of pharmacists. In addition to traditional teaching methods students use innovative - business game. Detailed description of the business g...
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Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of a personnel management system at the enterprises of the industry of hospitality

Zelinskaya Elena L.
210-214   325

In the article is designated the importance of tourism as a branch of a social production, is given the concept of the industry of hospitality, are designated the problems of development of tourist branch of the Crimea. Is designated the importance and the significance of increasing of level of huma...
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Prospects for the development of electronic banking services

Polkhovsky Dmitry V., Kenina Ksenia A., Trishkina Maria N.
214-217   342

This article focuses on the effective use of e-services in the banking sector. The authors identified in the paper the concept of electronic banking services, as well as the basic theoretical aspects. The authors analyzed the effectiveness of electronic banking services, VTB 24 , and made a survey, ...
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Research of the control system of objects of intelleСЃtual property of the Crimea

Tsybul'skaya Lyudmila A.
218-224   358

In work application of methods economic-mathematical modeling for management of objects of intellectual property rights is considered. Functions of useful use economic-mathematical methods and models are presented. The algorithm of modeling of process of management of objects of intellectual propert...
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Assessment of the investment potential of the Astrakhan region

Matsuy Elena A., Smirnova D. Sh.
224-233   486

Assesses the investment potential of the Astrakhan region on the basis of the eight subspecies of potentials. A comparison of the investment potential of the region with the regions of the southern Federal district. Conclusions on the investment potential of the Astrakhan region for the years 2010-2...
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Quality of high-tech healthcare: technological and effective approaches

Rybalchenko Irina E., Yugay Michael T.
233-236   318

The authors of the article describe theoretical and methodological problems of quality management in the high-tech medical aid, show it’s specifics, highlight two approaches to monitoring the quality and suggest calculation models of quality standards. Authors also raises the issue of economic eff...
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The Norberto Bobbio’s political philosophy: from dialogue with communists to elaboration of the conception of intellectuals

Nikandrov Aleksey V.
237-243   305

The article discusses the concept of the political role of intellectuals, invited the famous Italian political philosopher Norberto Bobbio, reveals the origins of this concept; shows historical circumstances responsible for its elaborations, debate and discussions that prompted thinker to problem st...
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Buddhist perspective in Russian religious philosophy В«silver ageВ»

Ulanov Mergen S.
244-249   321

The article investigates the process of understanding of Buddhism in the Russian religious philosophy of the В«Silver AgeВ». The study showed that Russian philosophers, despite hristianotsentrizm, recognized the important role of Buddhism in the world culture, aware of, and appreciates its moral val...
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“Holly Russia”: genesis and content of the idea

Bedaev Aleksandr I.
249-255   307

The present article considers the issue of the genesis of the idea of В«Holly RussiaВ» and some most wide spread viewpoints on this topic. The author makes an attempt to define the time the idea of В«Holly RussiaВ» originated, prerequisites of its appearing and its content. The author contests the o...
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Philosophy of love in Russia: studies and teaching

Podvoisky Leonid Ya.
255-260   457

The subject of love is eternal both for an individual and for the humanity. It is eternal for philosophy either. The philosophy itself is love to wisdom. Love is old as the world and at the same time it is always young. The article shows how the phenomenon of love was studied in Russia in XIX and XX...
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Topophilia vs topophobia as cognitive models of frontier space

Yakushenkov Sergey N.
261-266   426

The article discusses the dichotomy of the perception of the new territories, representing the two sometimes conflicting cognitive models, defined by the author through the terms of topophilia and topophobia. According to the author, these two models of perceptions of new lands are reflected in two ...
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Specific character of intercultural communications within frontier territories

Romanova Anna P.
266-271   316

The article is aimed at development of a new typology of intercultural communications, carried out in the frontier territories. Cross-cultural relations in the frontier that is the territory of flexible boundaries are characterized by specific nature and complexity as the frontier itself is a hetero...
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Civilizational security: the difference of interpretations in the russian and the western discourses

Topchiev Mikhail S.
271-275   354

The article is devoted to the analysis of domestic and foreign discourses, dedicated to civilizational security problems. Since the term В«civilizational securityВ» is rather polemical, the author considers the issue on legitimacy of the analyzed concept itself. The main objective of the article is ...
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The Our and the Stranger in the heterotopy space of media-culture

Khlyscheva Elena V.
275-280   314

Being heterotopy space, media culture is the intermediary between society and the state, society and the power. Media culture must integrate all elements of society. Objective information is necessary for dialogue between the personality and the power. But media, being a support of any state, operat...
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The moral consciousness in the context of moral culture

Chernikova Valentina E., Gara Victoria G.
280-285   343

The article deals with the topical issues of the interaction of moral consciousness and moral culture. The aim of the article is to analyze the process and conditions of the formation of moral culture and its elements on the base of the works of prominent philosophers and sociologists. The moral cul...
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Japanese dance Buto: anthropological bases

Gritsenko Vasiliy P., Ryzhankova Olga V.
285-293   335

The modern theater of Japanese dance is analyzed in this article. The purpose of the article is consideration of language of dance of Buto from the point of view of the anthropological bases and cultural the practician of Japan. Features of assimilation of classical and nonclassical dance in Japanes...
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Ethnic group - crimean germans (Krimdeutsche) - as a subject of social-philosophical analysis

Kryukova Natalia V.
293-297   322

The article deals with some aspects of the history of the emergence and existence of the Germans on the Crimean peninsula in the XIX-XXI century. The analysis of the problem investigation degree is presented, the reasons for the necessity of social and philosophical analysis of the problem of nation...
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Mass culture is a factor of social life unification

Stychinsky Maxim S.
298-303   300

The article covers one of the most actual consequences of the world globalization - a phenomenon of mass culture. Cultural differences are one of the most important causes of global tension and conflicts. Global distribution of mass culture seems a positive trend because single universal basis for i...
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В«Object of regardВ» as a factor of integrating mass

Vakhmenin Vasily N.
303-310   323

The article considers the problem of developing mass in social space. The insight of mass as unstable, amorphous, anonymous communion devoid of internal ties is a basis for search and identification of external factor of its integration. Structural analysis of mass shows that the only form of relati...
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Social and pedagogical aspects of humanists’ preparation for personal and social safety

Ternitskaya Svetlana V.
310-315   291

The article deals with the urgent problem, i.e. the revelation of regularities of formation of safety subjects’ qualities in higher education and the development of the appropriate methodological systems of teaching the personal and social safety. The author carries out the analysis for social and...
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The phenomenon of user-generated videos in the web-hosting Internet

Skolota Zoya N.
315-321   247

In this article the problem of the phenomenon of user-generated videos in the web-hosting the example of a web service YouTube is discussed. The author puts forward possible reasons for the growing popularity of this form of cultural participation. Forms of user video content have been analysed. It ...
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Female transgression on heterotopic spaces of the Frontier

Yakushenkova Olesya S.
321-326   298

Frontier according to the Foucault’s theoretical approach can be looked at as a heterotopic space. Although Foucault does not use the concept of heterotopia for describing Frontier areas, the characteristics of heterotopic spaces he suggests let us think that his approach is very productive in rel...
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Study of theoretical aspects of person’s spirituality in contemporary psychology

Karabuschenko Natalya B., Ivaschenko Aleksader V., Chkhikvadze Tinatin V., Pilishvili Tatyana S.
326-330   293

The article provides an overview English-language and Russian language psychological studies devoted to the problem of person’s spirituality. It is defined point of divergence in understanding of the person’s spirituality. There are explored structural and functional components of the person’s...
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Migrants in Europe and cultural security

Lebedeva Irena V., Bicharova Mariya M.
330-337   417

The article is devoted to the issues of cultural security in modern Europe, and the policy of multiculturalism. The problems of lack of understanding between the migrants and their host community, the desire to preserve their own identity, not dissolve in the “melting pot” of cultural diversity,...
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Modern Russian elite in the context of political culture

Rezakov Ravil G.
338-342   242

The В«political cultureВ» is one of the most actual subject in domestic social science. Most often this subject connects with behavior of ruling elite and their leaders, and in the civil relations with society. Elite tries to adapt for themselves the existing political traditions, to use them as a t...
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Criteria of efficiency of activity political elites in the process of interaction of subjects of the Russian Federation and the republic of Kazakhstan in the context of public policy cross-border cooperation

Dzhantaleeva Madina Sh.
343-350   253

This article deals with the role of political elites in the integration process of the two countries by identifying the effectiveness of their (elites) activities in the development of cross-border cooperation, as well as identify the proportion of their autonomy from Central government in decision ...
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Quick and kgb work in camps prisoners of war: identification of the nazi criminals (on materials astrakhan archives)

Fedin Sergey A.
351-356   280

In article on materials of archives of the Astrakhan region activity of quick and KGB office of camp for prisoners of war No. 204 on formation of a secret-service network for identification of the war criminals making crimes in the territory of the USSR, and also those who tried to destabilize a sit...
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Social support of workers of industrial enterprises in the Lower Volga during the Great Patriotic war (1941-1945)

Krasnozhenova Elena E.
357-364   258

The article presents a public policy aimed at organizing social support of workers and employees of industrial enterprises in the conditions of the Lower Volga region of the Great Patriotic War. Shows the work of trade unions in the supply of workers and employees of food and basic necessities, hous...
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