Political culture and cultural policy in terms of world-sytem analysis

Philipenko Evgeniy Valerevich


The article investigates political culture. The methodology of I.Wallerstein’s world-system analysis is employed as a foundation of this investigation. There are some disadvantages of G. Almond - S. Verba’s conception are considered. Significant problem of contradictions between classes (“class struggle”) and status groups is resolving in world-system perspective. Geoculture is cultural modus of modern world-system and a way of its legitimation. Different standards of legitimate cultural forms are caused by geoculture. Moreover, geoculture co-opts different ways of cultural resistance. The paper demonstrates, that universalism and particularism (as racism and sexism) has ambivalent influence on political culture, political behavior and cooptation different social groups into different zones of the world-system (“core”, “semi-periphery” and “periphery”). Culture is a battleground for preferences inside the world-system. Nation is result of class struggle and political design of the modern world-system. Social changes are used to covering antagonistic character of process inside world-system. That’s why conception of “permanent revolution” can be used as explanatory model for mode of legitimation and masking current world-system’s political structure. From the standpoint of geoculture cultural policy is not the only type of interaction between culture and politics. Alternative view is cultural exploitation for explanation of political changes and legitimation of political process.
