The creation of soviet education system in Sevastopol in the 20-ies of XX century

Novikova Elena V.


The article highlights the creation of the Soviet education system in the city of Sevastopol in the 20-ies of the XX century. In November 1920, an order of the Crimean department of national education on the submission of education of the city of Sevastopol to the Board of National Education was issued. It was formed from the deputies of the city council. To enhance the management efficiency of the members of the Sevastopol City Council there were established sections in various areas, including on national education. The members of the public education had the task of working out the protocols of inspection of educational institutions. In the early 20-ies of XX century in Sevastopol there were left 27 schools of the 1st and 2nd stages attended by about 5 thousand students. The issue of placement of schools in suitable training rooms was solved for a long time. The employees of the Department of Public Education paid special attention to financing of a school network. There wasn’t enough money, so the members of the City Council repeatedly asked for the subsidies to the state. Money came irregularly. School authorities were forced to seek financing on their own. In view of the circumstances (civil war, famine, 1921), the Soviet government could not fulfill its promise of an immediate introduction of free education. Tuition fees were not charged only in the elementary grades. Parents had to pay the tuition fees at secondary schools. The insufficient financing of the entire education system influenced the position of the teaching staff of educational institutions. Many teachers were fired. The reasons were not only difficult economic conditions. The system of training and education of students underwent the most serious transformations. The program had to be changed significantly due to the new tasks of the Soviet government to establish a unified labor school. The most difficult challenge for the education sector was severe consequences of the earthquake in 1927. At each meeting, the Board of Education addressed the issue of additional financing for repairs and equipment of school premises.
