New vector study of contemporary geopolitical processes in the Caspian region to the aspect of national security of the state

Usmanov Rafik H., Jawad Jalali Z.


The study authors analyzed the modern concept of geopolitics and on the basis of new facts and realities of globalization confirm the need to update the principles and methods of international cooperation. The basic tendencies of development of modern geopolitical processes of the Caspian states and issues of national security with substantial energy resources. This article shows the role and importance of natural hydrocarbon resources in the Caspian region and the prospect of international relations with partner countries and competitors. We consider the prospect of inter-ethnic and inter-continental transport and communications areas В«east - westВ» and В«north - southВ» on a movable joint of the dominant areas of influence of the three world religions - Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. The attention to cooperation between Russia and the Islamic Republic of Iran during the global inequalities and countering the United States and Western countries. As a result, conclusions about what to coordinate cooperation between the littoral states and their national security, as well as the development of a common civilization is necessary to determine the position of the geopolitical center of the Caspian region.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 3 (44)




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