Research of the control system of objects of intelleСЃtual property of the Crimea

Tsybul'skaya Lyudmila A.


In work application of methods economic-mathematical modeling for management of objects of intellectual property rights is considered. Functions of useful use economic-mathematical methods and models are presented. The algorithm of modeling of process of management of objects of intellectual property is offered. On the basis of data of Public service of intellectual property of Ukraine the analysis of a condition of intellectual property is carried out. The modeling hypothesis is presented - the state indicators of intellectual property depend on innovative activity of corporate sector and establishments of the Crimea and in general Ukraine, that is the system with feedback is formed, namely: the corporate sector and establishments of the Crimea and all country in the economic, creative activity make a certain intellectual product which realize in the market (external or internal) or by means of which improve the competitive position in the market. To the discretion of the management of the enterprises and establishments partially or in full this development is protected by the property right before use in the market environment that at this stage and forms days off - resultant indicators of functioning of system of intellectual property. On the basis of this hypothesis expected indicators are presented, administrative recommendations are offered and conclusions are drawn.
