The moral consciousness in the context of moral culture

Chernikova Valentina E., Gara Victoria G.


The article deals with the topical issues of the interaction of moral consciousness and moral culture. The aim of the article is to analyze the process and conditions of the formation of moral culture and its elements on the base of the works of prominent philosophers and sociologists. The moral culture is considered as a complex unity, which synthesizes moral consciousness, moral motives and moral values. The moral values are considered as socio-cultural points of society, and moral culture is the criterion of morality. It is underlined that in modern times there has been a transformation of the system of moral values. The special attention is paid to the interpretation of the concepts of В«moralВ» and В«moralityВ». It is noted that the process of formation of the moral culture is connected with the moral motivation which is formed as a result of the impact of social, cultural and historical factors. It has been concluded that in the context of moral culture the moral consciousness was a specific manifestation of moral standards and moral evaluations.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 3 (44)




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