Development ot the russian state system of education in the early twentieth century

Artemkin Anton N.


At the beginning of the XIX century Alexander I forced to take the reform of the education system of the country. Starting with the establishment of ministries, including established and the ministry of education, the creation of the three universities and the approval of the statute of the university in 1804, he is trying to create a clear structure of the entire public education system. All stages of the education system, including: parish schools, district schools, grammar schools and, finally, the university had to be complementary, resulting in subsequent establishment have not taught that in the previous. When creating such a system there are the first unrecorded things that become a serious problem for the public education system, the task of which is placed to form and train national. The first failure government is trying to take into account in its future policy, but circumstances force him to replace the liberal conservative course in government education.
