Influence of administrative reform on relationship of the state and civil society

Abazaliyeva Madina M., Tambiyeva Zurida S.


In this article authors paid attention to the purpose of the system modernization of public administration which is carried out in the Russian Federation - optimization of activity of public authorities at the federal, regional and local levels, formation of clear and functionally transparent system of authorities with clear split of their competence. The administrative reform representing - the package of measures directed on optimization of government, decrease in level of bureaucracy and reduction of staff of the officials and measures directed on distribution of duties and responsibility of the authorities on administrative levels became the most important element of such modernization, certainly. Efficiency of activity of the state is defined not so much by the width of coverage of the spheres controlled by it, how many real observance of public interests, effectiveness of political and legal mechanisms in the country therefore it isn't casual that at the turn of the century the problem of administrative reforming became priority for many countries, including Russia. Need of administrative reform for the country assumes statement of a question of reconsideration of a role of public service taking into account influence of various factors on the course of reform of a management system. The world economic crisis, process of change of polarity in the world, need of revision of the valuable and ideological content of political process, emergence of new threats and risks of safety of society demand creation of a new paradigm of political management that will undoubtedly be reflected in relationship of the state and society in modern conditions.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 3 (44)




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