Social and pedagogical aspects of humanists’ preparation for personal and social safety

Ternitskaya Svetlana V.


The article deals with the urgent problem, i.e. the revelation of regularities of formation of safety subjects’ qualities in higher education and the development of the appropriate methodological systems of teaching the personal and social safety. The author carries out the analysis for social and pedagogical approaches to the personal and social safety of graduating humanist students, the implementation of which will favor the introduction of the elements of safety pedagogics into the educational process at higher school. When carrying out the analysis, the author specified the following pedagogical tasks: education of a person oriented to the creation of himself and the world in the context of unity with the surrounding society, nature, techno-environment; formation of the personal and social safety standards related to the students’ training; updating of the personal and social safety study; implementation of instructional technology taking care of health; functioning of the personality-oriented educational process, the main point of which is the cooperation of a pedagogue and a student. The protecting, training, educational, personality developing and creative approaches to the personal and social safety were used during the analysis. The author believes that the development of the whole educational process on the basis of unification of training and education in the sphere of personal and social safety is required. In this connection the necessity of influence on world outlook, emotional and volitional, motivational spheres should be taken into consideration. The indicators of the formation of the students' readiness for the personal and social safety are their awareness of value and the desire for its implementation, the display of interest and personality understanding of the personal and social safety standards.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 3 (44)




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