Social media in the Russian electoral process

Gandaloeva Madina T.


The article analyzes the functions of social networks at the different stages of the electoral process. The author conciders that web 2.0 technology has been actively enter into this process (we were considered such networks as: Interactive map of electoral districts of Moscow, all-Russian base of electoral commissions В«WikiuikiВ», В«Map of violationsВ»). This allows: Р°) at the stage of formation of electoral districts social networks help to attract a human resource to their improvement; Р±) election commissions conduct information explanatory activity in social media and by that grows interests and literacy of the population in the sphere of electoral law; РІ) СЃrowdsourcing platforms on which citizens share the remarks on work of the commissions allow to trace violations; Рі) candidates mobilize their voters through those same social networks. The resource potential of such networks allows you to create a platform for interaction primarily between citizens, then the citizens and the government, to develop technologies aimed at mobilizing human potential. They allow an increasing number of citizens to feel a sense of belonging, to feel their importance and influence on the political processes.
