Issue 2014 No. 3 (40)

Administrative and territorial divisions of Arshakid Armenia according to the "geography" of Claudius Ptolemy (South province)

Arutyunyan Akop Zh.
15-23   369

To study the administrative and territorial division of Arshakid Armenia especially important information is by Claudius Ptolemy. According to him, Armenia has had 20 provinces, and by Armenian Geography (“Ashkharatsuyts”, the source of V-VII centuries ) – 15 provinces. Comparative analysis of...
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On the problem of private attorneys in Astrakhan province at the end XIX – beginning of XX centuries

Vinogradov Sergey V.
23-27   346

In article activity of private attorneys of the Astrakhan district court during introduction in full in the territory of the Astrakhan province of provisions of Judicial reform of 1864 is considered. Creation of institute of private legal profession was the necessary action caused by a lack of quali...
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Historical and etnoconfessional parties of the development of education in the Astrakhan province

Rezakov Ravil G., Rekesheva Farida M.
27-35   374

The article reveals the basic directions of development of educational institutions in the Astrakhan province in the 19th and early 20th century, shows the relationship between the history of the region with the development of education of Russia, examines the role of religion in the formation of pu...
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Some questions of historiografy of the kalmyks` participation in Russian and Turkish wars

Matsakova Natalya P.
35-42   354

The article investigates the historiography of the Kalmyks` participation in the Russian-Turkish wars. This theme was touched by many researchers in the XVIII–XX centuries, in special and review works. But qualitative analysis of all the literature has not been made yet. The article gives a review...
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Analysis of approaches to the reform of local self-government

Monin Vadim V.
42-45   321

The paper "Analysis of approaches to the reform of local self-government" dwells on the study of proposals by Russian President to reform the local government system. It focuses on the severity and depth of the problems existing in the sphere of the local government. The study aim is to identify the...
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Nationalism among youth in the soviet Far East in the twenties of the 20th century

Bilim Natalya N.
45-50   337

The article studies national discord among Far eastern youth. Ethnic diversity was a distinctive feature of the region before the Great Patriotic War. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and indigenous peoples lived here. Before the October revolution many of these nations...
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Diplomacy of national public organizations in the Russian and Azerbaijan dialogue (on the example of Astrakhan)

Seyfetdinova Elina R.
50-56   331

In article on materials of Astrakhan diplomatic relations of the region of the Russian Federation with the Azerbaijan Republic are considered. The Azerbaijani national public organizations, as an example of "national diplomacy" in the territory of the certain region are analyzed. The role and import...
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About current problems of using voting rights act 1965 in the United States

Marmilova Yekaterina P.
56-62   410

Voting rights Act was approved in the USA in 1965. The law prohibits discrimination in voting. Subsequently, it has been amended. The main purpose of the law is enforce voting rights that were guaranteed the 14 and 15 mandrels constitution The United States of America. This law is a key because it w...
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Social system and armed forces of Russia: development, integrity, harmony

Shilova Galina F.
62-71   364

This article takes a look at the questions on the role and place of Russia’s armed forces in the social system of the country, on the strategic direction and on their catalytic effects on the socio-economic development of the country as a whole. It is shown that the most important component of geo...
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State electoral policy: subject domain of the new scientific field

Grishin Nikolay V.
71-83   400

The article discusses the emergence of new scientific direction, study of public policy and administration in the electoral process. For its designation in modern foreign science there are used terms such as "electoral governance", "electoral management", "electoral administration" and "electoral en...
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The role of political parties in the system of local government formation and development in the process of Russian society reforming

Budovskaya Olesya Vladimirovna
83-89   338

The article covers the ways how in the conditions of the federal relations formation local government, being a specific power level, promotes the formation of flexible management system well adaptable to local conditions, develops the citizens’ creativity and initiative, forms civic consciousness,...
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Caspian summit in Astrakhan – will put an end to a certain status

Novoselov Sergey V.
89-95   397

To date, the uncertainty of the status of the Caspian Sea is one of the few cases in the international legal practice, where de jure against reservoir continue to apply the provisions of earlier agreements, but de facto legal status is no longer able to fully regulate relations coastal States. And a...
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Globalization for Russia: from corporation-state to state-civilization

Sulimin Aleksandr N.
95-102   393

The article considers the transformation of state institutions at the present stage of political development. The author believes that at the heart of modern globalization is the ideology of neoliberalism which ignores the role of the state as a socio-economic actor of the world political system. Th...
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Confessional policy in the South of Russia (the comparative analysis)

Dryagalov Vyacheslav S., Topchiev Mikhail S.
102-111   384

In offered article the author carries out the comparative analysis of a current state of confessional policy in three subjects of the Russian Federation making the territory of Northern Prikaspi: Astrakhan region, Republic of Kalmykia and Republic of Dagestan. The author analyzes modern confession...
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Mechanisms of public policy in the Yaroslavl region

Sokolov Aleksandr V.
111-118   377

Public policy is a sphere of the open coordination of interests of different stakeholders. The effectiveness of this coordination depends on the extent to which effective mechanisms of communication and interaction of these stakeholders, and therefore the mechanisms of public policy in general. The ...
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Cultural and political approach to the political system

Podvoyskaya Nataliya L.
118-126   313

Necessity and possibility of the political system study through the cultural-political approach are discussed in this article. The author of the artcile also examines the approaches to the concepts of political system and political culture. It is concluded that the fundamentally new approach to th...
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Problems in the system of national accounts – 2008 in evaluating gross regional product (GRP)

Kiyashchenko Tatyana. A.
126-131   359

In the article outlines the key issues for evaluating progress economic activity associated with the replacement of Russian statistical standards SNA – 1993 on standards SNA – 2008. The study showed that the proposed new standard 2008 SNA does not solve the main problems of statistical evaluatio...
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Role of tax control in providing of tax safety of the state

Tokova Leyla D., Kirilenko Klavdiya V.
131-137   587

In article the analysis of theoretical approaches of domestic researchers to a role of tax control in safety of the state is carried out. The nature of tax control, and also modern methods and forms of carrying out tax control is considered. Taxes are the most important source of formation of the in...
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The peculiarites Рѕf cluster pРѕlicy implementatiРѕn in Russian FederatiРѕn

AkhunzhanРѕva Inna N., DrРѕzd Рћlga V., TРѕmashevskaya Julia N.
137-145   340

In this article the urgency Рѕf implementing the cluster apprРѕach in the develРѕpment strategy Рѕf the Russian regiРѕns was substantiated, the peculiarities Рѕf initiatiРѕn, fРѕrmatiРѕn and implementatiРѕn Рѕf cluster pРѕlicy in the Russian reality were identified. The results Рѕf cРѕntent analys...
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Interaction energy and economy in the context of globalization

Markelov Konstantin A., Zvolinskiy Valentin P., Polovykh Sergey O.
145-155   323

The article deals with the role of energy in the modern development of the world economy shows the relationship of the world industrial development with the reallocation of existing on the world market of energy resources. The possible areas of energy development, determining the sustainability of e...
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The conformism as a latent norm of the Soviet and Russian society

Pavlova Inna D.
155-163   311

This article attempts to review a conformism as the obviously designated social-evaluative norm, affecting on the society and on the individual in the framework of society. The topicality for the study of this rule, that existed in the Soviet period, and, apparently, continues to reproduce to this d...
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To the need formation brand loyalty in the mortgage brokerage (advice)

M.s Kalieva Olga, Lukhmeneva Yelena P., Mikhaylova Olga P., Sheptukhin Mikhail V
163-169   332

The article reveals the peculiarities of consumer loyalty in the market of mortgage lending. Initially, gives an idea of loyalty in terms of customer-centric business model, then it moves to the loyalty incentive. Further substantiates the need to build brand loyalty in the mortgage brokerage (couns...
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Philosophical and political knowledge as the system of sciences (development stages)

Moshchelkov Yevgeniy N.
169-181   309

In this article the author considers the stages of development of philosophical and political knowledge in West European and Domestic sciences during the last two centuries. The author investigates the various approaches in estimates of a role and value of theories which have played a crucial role...
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Modern philosophical culture in search of the textual genre

Ryskeldieva Lora T.
181-189   330

Under the influence of “the turn towards language” and under conditions of interdisciplinarity development in modern philosophy, the search for relevant genre of philosophical text is emerged. In particular it concerns works in the field of history of philosophy since they can suffer, in philoso...
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The perception of space and time in Russian medieval culture according to the writings of Europeans

Shcherbakova Liliya V.
189-198   318

In this article the problem of perception of space and time peculiar to inhabitants of the Moscow state (the second half of XV – the end of the XVII century) is considered. The subjective perception of the specified categories during a certain historical era allows to see culture of society in all...
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Self-identification and self-presentation by creativity in the virtual world

Skolota Zoya N.
198-205   365

This article examines human search for identity and self-presentation through creativity in the virtual space. Various forms of creativity, development of personal identity and personal presentation on the net are discussed. Two types are distinguished : consumer and professional. Features of both a...
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Creativity and disruptiveness in human activity

Nemchinova Anna L.
205-214   329

In article the metapsychology of S. Freud who develops the whole complex of the psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic methods focused on studying and an explanation of unconscious mental processes and the phenomena is investigated. Ideas and the principles of a freydizm and a neofreydizm extend on ...
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Description of Plato’s ideal state in the works of native atlantis researchers

Podvoyskiy Leonid Ya.
214-220   348

This paper analyzes how native Atlantis researchers characterize Plato’s ideal state, represented in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias”. The problem of Atlantis including its government structure also attracts scientists not interested in Atlantis. Some of them study this problem with t...
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The nobility at the Astrakhan Yurtovsky Tatars in the XVII century

Toropitsyn Ilya V.
220-228   328

Article is devoted to questions of socio-political history of the Turkic sluzhily nobility in Lower Volga Area in the XVII century. On the basis of a wide range of sources the social structure of the nobility Astrakhan the yurtovskikh of Tatars is analyzed, are considered a circle of their powers an...
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Elitology of culture: В«CreatorВ», В«PatronВ», В«AestheteВ»

Karabushchenko Pavel L.
228-237   326

The fundamental point of the elitology ofi culture is the question of its subject. Who is the subject, who is directly responsible for its creation, its development, consumption and saving According to the author, the answer to these questions is to be found in such triad as “Creator”, “Patron...
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Bases of culturological criteria formation of the concept В«eliteВ»

Gaynutdinova Yekaterina V.
237-244   331

The research objective consists in analysing bases of formation of culturРѕlogical criteria of the concept "elite". Special value is gained in this regard not by the public stereotypes focused on attributes of success, and an individual way to spiritual perfection. The main objective predetermined s...
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Classification and typology of youth movements and subcultures

Baeva Lyudmila V.
244-253   374

Modern youth movements and subcultures are an integral part of society. Ideology and philosophy of youth movements and communities, with all its varieties and diversities of phenomena is based on the ideological and value grounds, the study of which may contribute to a clearer understanding of the p...
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Regional pecularities of demographic processes in Astrakhan region

Mironova Yuliya G.
253-262   594

The article analyzes the regional characteristics of the demographic processes and demographic structures in the Astrakhan region. The study of demographic processes and the ability to control them, understanding of the changes occurring in them, both at the federal and regional level, have a great ...
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Social mobility of Russian young people in the conditions of emigration

Mantserova Olga V.
262-269   329

Nowadays the issue of the social mobility in the conditions of emigration is very urgent. The article is aimed at the study of the social mobility of Russian young people in the conditions of emigration to Germany and the determination of the opportunity to maintain social status gained as Russian F...
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Social and political alternatives of Spain’s development (the review of book "Spain: Society in Changes"edited by Salustiano del Campo and Jose Felix Tezanos. Madrid, 2011)

Baranov Andrey V.
383-388   298

Collective monograph "Spain: society in changes," edited Salustiano del Campo and Jose Felix Tezanos is a system research on the Spanish society’s transformations (1976–2010). Refereed work is done from the perspective of political sociology. The authors focus on the basic changes in social stru...
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Second World War in the Pacific ocean and the society of the USA (book review to S.O. Buranok’s Monograph «Pearl Harbor in the Estimates of U.S. Military and Political Leaders (1941–1945)»

Belov Dmitriy A.
388-391   280

The article analyzes the content and the main results of a monographic research about origins and evolution Pearl Harbor image in American public opinion during the Second World War. The publication under review is an author’s effort for making complex research with analyzes estimates during war p...
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Success in Germany is inherited (the review of book by Michael Hartmann “Social Injustice. Is It a Topic for the Elites”)

Lebedeva Irena V., Lebedeva Lyudmila K.
391-395   283

The book by Michael Hartman, a German professor of sociology, elites researcher from Darmstadt Technical University, was published in 2013 and became especially popular and relevant in the context of elections to the Bundestag. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing in Germany. Social ineq...
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Economical policy of German authorities in occupied territory of Stalingrad region, 1942–

Bolotov Nikolay A., AleksandrV. Gaydashev
395-399   329

One of the main components of any occupation is the economic policy of the invaders against the civilian population in their controlled territory. This aspect of the occupation policy is always the overriding issue in the development of plans capture any territory. Are always respected, how will be ...
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Provincial town during the period of the First World War and revolution (Tsaritsin 1914–1917)

Vorobev РЈРµvgeniy P., Belov Dmitriy A.
399-410   325

The article deals with the problems connected with the analysis of important sides of everyday life in Russian province town Tsaritsin before and during the period of the First World War and Great Russian revolution in 1917. The authors based on examples of Tsaritsin give the results of scientific r...
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The image of st. Sergius of Radonezh in Russian poetry of the XX–XXI centuries

Zavyalova Yelena Yevgenevna)
410-425   336

The article analyzes the poetic works of contemporary Russian writers, that are devoted to the monk Sergei of Radonezh, whose Russian Church canonized. Texts of S.M. Soloviev, Y.P. Kuznetsov, O.A. Sedakova, T.A. Shorygina, S.O. Nikulina, V.V. Afanasyev are analyzed in detail – on a rhythmic, phono...
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Intentionality image Sergius of Radonezh in В«neoagiografiiВ» late twentieth century

Bychkov Dmitriy M.
425-434   274

The article is devoted to the identification of individual copyright intentions embodied in the image of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the works of Russian writers of the twentieth century end. It is concluded that cognitive-discursive potential name of a saint. Characterized by primary and secondary t...
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Strategy of the modern world development in the conditions of cultural diversity

Romanova Anna P., Khlyshcheva Yelena V., Yakushenkov Sergey N.
269-276   303

In this article the authors analyze several strategic approaches of development of the modern world in the conditions of cultural diversity. The declared recognition of all cultures equivalent and noteworthy and respect can’t automatically lead to chaos and disintegration overcoming. It is necessa...
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Transgression in a condition of Frontier Heterotopia

Yakushenkov Sergey N., Yakushenkova Olesya S.
276-284   340

Cross-cultural dialogue on the frontier runs in the framework of the subject-object relations. Moreover, the Subject, trying to substitute an Alien in the natural and cultural landscapes of the Frontier topos, constantly goes to transgression, i.e. borrowing many forms which, being not normative for...
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The Caucasus as an eternal frontier

Romanova Anna P., Topchiev Mikhail S.
284-291   344

Based on the example of the analysis of social and cultural processes the article shows epistemic opportunities of the frontier theory proposed by F.J. Turner and received further development in foreign and Russian researches. The authors of the article assess current state of the frontier theory an...
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Principles of museum pedagogics in the presentation activity in the revival of memory of the Russian family of the merchants Lionozovs (Lianosian, Lianozovs, Lianozoff)

Marisova Nataliya D.
291-301   333

The article faces the challenges of reviving the historical and cultural heritage of the Astrakhan region, in particular, the role of the industrial and patron family Lionozov (Lianosyan, Lianozov, Lianosoff), a well-known Russian businessmen, oil tycoons, salt fields owners, fishermen, who organize...
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Political education as a factor influences the conventional political participation of youth

Ryabukhina Julia N.
301-308   342

This article is about influence of political education on level of political participation of young people. The article is devoted to actual problem of the lack of not only system process on the formation of political literacy of young people, but also interested in this process of political actors....
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Are computer games a disease of the XXI century

Ustinova Yana A.
308-313   391

In this article the problem of psychological dependence of the person from computer games in modern society is considered. Statistical data according to which the number of people got to this dependence annually grows. Computer games are the phenomenon of the information society which has got in the...
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Democratization and modernization in Venezuela

Melnikova Natalia I.
313-320   344

Conducted in all regions of Latin America reformist transformation 80s by the Presidential Commission on Reform of the State (COPRE, 1984–1999) initiated the process in Venezuela reflexive modernization (Modernization reflexive). This process of change, which is implemented by public forces in the...
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RSBIC "The Astrakhan memorial museum" in system of cultural tourism

Panteleeva Lilia N.
320-326   333

The museum in the XXI century is not only the information center, but also a certain mechanism of sociocultural communication, which promotes preservation, reproduction and translation of cultural values. Today, the new communication approach at which the visitor becomes full participant of communic...
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Activity of institutional structures in the sphere of formation of positive image of Russia

Dubinkina Tatyana Yu.
326-331   305

Article is devoted to the analysis of the content of activity of the main institutional structures in a context of the adoption of objective idea of modern Russia, activization of the Russian policy and formation of its image. It is traced as tasks of Rossotrudnichestvo, Russian President’s Direct...
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The particularities of social and professional status of the modern school teacher

Matveeva Natalya V.
331-337   318

In terms of socio-economic changes in the Russian society a central place is given to educational institutions, ensure the successful functioning and development of society. However, the current Russian teaching is complex, contradictory situation that caused system-wide transformation processes of ...
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Information wars in the Russian regions (on the example of the Altai region)

Ivanov Sergey Andreevich
337-346   285

The information wars happening in regions have the features, characterised for each region, and similarity. Power vertical strengthening in the middle of 2000 led to the conflicts between governors appointed from above and the mayors of the cities elected by the population. So, this article is focus...
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The images of sexuality of an Alien as a factor of marking of Frontier Heterotopia

Yakushenkova Olesya S.
346-353   281

Sexual culture of the Alien in the conditions of Frontier Heterotopia is one of the most important aspects influencing the formation of his image. As with food markers, sex is the most important factor determining our power capabilities (M. Foucault). And how could we not despised and feared not the...
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Potential of the new social movements as an example of the antiwar movement

Butina Maria V.
353-360   323

Problems of new social movements in general and in particular of the antiwar movement takes on a new urgency to the backdrop of intensified social movements in recent years. Article examines the concept of the new social movements based on the consideration of mass movements in the world, acquired a...
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Civil engagement in the Yaroslavl region

Frolov Alexander Рђ.
360-365   317

The article deals with the form and the level of civic and protest activity in Yaroslavl region. The author analyzes the dynamics of civil and protest activity in the region in 2010–2012. The article presents data on the perception and evaluation of forms of civic engagement population of the Yaro...
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About some methods of the illegal entrepreneurship in an initial period of the new economic policy (1921–1924)

Kotelnikov Aleksey S.
365-373   287

In article, the author considers some methods of illegal entrepreneurship, connected with corruption in the state machinery at the first years of the new economic policy. The author allocates following reasons of this terrible phenomenon for the state. 1. There is a low salary during high inflation....
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An essay of sociological research on the causes of the workplace stress:a case of French it companies programmers

Seryozhkina Ekaterina V.
373-383   385

The article considers workplace stress causes with a base of an author’s empirical qualitative research of IT Services and Software Engineering companies. Coping strategies of software engineers in France and their coping strategies depending on specificity of company’s management are also prese...
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