Political education as a factor influences the conventional political participation of youth

Ryabukhina Julia N.


This article is about influence of political education on level of political participation of young people. The article is devoted to actual problem of the lack of not only system process on the formation of political literacy of young people, but also interested in this process of political actors. The author suggests the systematization of the factors influencing the level and types of political participation of young people, in the article examines in detail the group “internal – fixed” factors, which includes political involvement and political education as its integral part. The article contains the analysis of the views of researchers to the phenomenon and aspects of political education and the statistical data on the dependence of the political participation level of political education. The author draws attention to the fact that the involvement of youth in the process of obtaining political knowledge is possible through non-standard and innovative approaches. To increase the level of knowledge of 14–22 years youth about the political system and involvement in modern Russian social-political, offered the project “The Political grammar”, practiced in Krasnodar region. The project consists of three stages, each of which is in the process of its implementation affect the following forms of youth participation: political choice, political consumerism, inclusion in the process of political communication. The author comes to the conclusion that the young people with political knowledge on parties, ideologies, the consequences of absenteeism, skills and tools of communication with political leaders, abilities to realize their ideas, will become a solid basis for a modern civil society.
