State electoral policy: subject domain of the new scientific field

Grishin Nikolay V.


The article discusses the emergence of new scientific direction, study of public policy and administration in the electoral process. For its designation in modern foreign science there are used terms such as "electoral governance", "electoral management", "electoral administration" and "electoral engineering". Electoral policy is implemented through specific authorities – election commissions, provided with normative legal regulation within a specific sub-sector of law (electoral law), implies unique political strategy and managerial techniques. State electoral policy is defined as public administration and state regulation in the sphere of organization, conduct and support of elections. The system of state electoral policy includes the following main components: 1) drafting the strategies and projects of organization of the electoral system by political actors; 2) procedures for making state decisions concerning the electoral system, their formalization in legal acts; 3) the activities of the authorities (including electoral commissions) for the holding of elections; 4) managerial techniques in the conducting of elections; 5) the activities of the non-State actors to ensure the holding of elections; 6) law enforcement support for the institute of elections. The paper substantiates comprehensive approach to the determination of subject domain of public policy and management in the electoral process.
