The image of st. Sergius of Radonezh in Russian poetry of the XX–XXI centuries

Zavyalova Yelena Yevgenevna)


The article analyzes the poetic works of contemporary Russian writers, that are devoted to the monk Sergei of Radonezh, whose Russian Church canonized. Texts of S.M. Soloviev, Y.P. Kuznetsov, O.A. Sedakova, T.A. Shorygina, S.O. Nikulina, V.V. Afanasyev are analyzed in detail – on a rhythmic, phonological, lexical, syntactic, trope, figurative, ideological and compositional levels. In addition for comparing to this purpose and other materials, for example, less known poems – of V.N. Afanasyev, N.V. Kartashova, N.D. Saurina, V.V. Fedoseyev, L.I. Kuznetsova-Gorokhova and other. The aim of the research was to reveal the General and individual in the created portraits of the venerable. Is established, which sources other more influenced the writing of new variants of reading of story (The Life, written by Epiphanius the Wise, fictionalized version of hagiography, written B.K. Zaitsev, beautiful picture, painted M.V. Nesterov). Transferred, what motives are dominant in the works. Define the episodes from the biography of St. Sergius most often reproduced in ballads, legends and poems. Explains what elements in the landscape sketches, which accompany the narrative, are the most frequent and productive in terms of the symbolic disclosure of theme. In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that, in fact, all poets called meekness, spiritual clarity, simplicity, love of freedom main personality traits of Sergius. For them Sergei of Radonezh in first of all is the embodiment of national moral ideal.
