Creativity and disruptiveness in human activity

Nemchinova Anna L.


In article the metapsychology of S. Freud who develops the whole complex of the psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic methods focused on studying and an explanation of unconscious mental processes and the phenomena is investigated. Ideas and the principles of a freydizm and a neofreydizm extend on humanitarian disciplines and address to judgment of culture, society, the person, world outlook and moral problems. In research that negative concept which Siegmund Freud standing at the origins of emergence of the definition "expressed an inclination to death" where disruptiveness is considered as a derivative of inclinations to death comes to light also. The author especially notes value of metapsychology of E. Fromm which gives humanistic understanding of essence of the person. According to Fromm, the biofiliya represents biologically normal phenomenon while the necrophilia is a phenomenon of mental pathology. Emergence of destructive tendencies in certain people is almost always caused by deprivation of their originally dialogical interaction in a family, school, higher education institution. The dialogical relations are more developed, the it is less than prerequisites for emergence of the destructive, anti-humane relations. In article it is specified that the person initially is not only tvarny, but also a creative being and dialogue promotes manifestation of this quality.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2014 No. 3 (40)




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