Analysis of approaches to the reform of local self-government

Monin Vadim V.


The paper "Analysis of approaches to the reform of local self-government" dwells on the study of proposals by Russian President to reform the local government system. It focuses on the severity and depth of the problems existing in the sphere of the local government. The study aim is to identify the adequacy of proposed reforms to the current challenges. The paper uses the principle of social approach. This paper analyzes the proposals made in 2014 by the President of the Russian Federation at the Congress of municipalities of Russian Federation and All-Russian Council for Local Government. The paper analyzes the problems existing in the modern local government of the Russian Federation and attempts to develop the proposals to address existing problems. It attempts to develop the additional measures needed to stabilize the situation in the Russian local government system. The suggestions developed in the paper may be used in the discussion of the reform proposed by the Astrakhan Regional Duma. The paper may be helpful to develop additional proposals to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for the local self-government reform. The study has already resulted in the proposals submitted to the Committee on Local Government of the Astrakhan Regional Duma for public hearings on the topic. In addition, the article can be used by experts and practitioners in the sphere of local self-government, by the high school teachers, students and graduate students in their research. The analysis done demonstrates the inadequacy of measures proposed for the reform of local government. It shows the discrepancy of the reforms proposed to the challenges facing local government. The paper identifies additional issues that require significant changes to existing federal legislation and practical implementation of state policy in the sphere of local government.
