Modern philosophical culture in search of the textual genre

Ryskeldieva Lora T.


Under the influence of “the turn towards language” and under conditions of interdisciplinarity development in modern philosophy, the search for relevant genre of philosophical text is emerged. In particular it concerns works in the field of history of philosophy since they can suffer, in philosophical meaning, a shattering impact from new philological and historical research. This article raises the question of relevance of special philosophical textology. Alongside with consideration of specifics of textual activity in philosophy, the variety of genre and its connection with methodological establishments of the research have to be analyzed. Three methodological provisions: 1) doxographic, 2) historicist, 3) hermeneutic – determine the set of studies in the field of history of philosophy in modern time. The first one is being realized in the form of neodoxography: comic books, stories about personal lives of philosophers, motion pictures. The second provision was traditionally realized in systematical and often multivolume study books and treatises. In modern time they have been substituted by encyclopedias and vocabularies, which genre is adequate to conditions of informational society. The third provision is of a great interest, since it made creative work development possible in the field of interpretation of philosophical meanings of different times, traditions and cultures. This creative work brought to life the whole series of new genres: philosophical biography, historical research, “reanimation”, op-ed piece (or publicistic article) on the history of philosophy, discussions-contemplations. Their introduction was influenced by dialogism of modern philosophical culture, its communicative component (the issue of the Other) and development of philosophical oriental studies.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2014 No. 3 (40)




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