Information wars in the Russian regions (on the example of the Altai region)

Ivanov Sergey Andreevich


The information wars happening in regions have the features, characterised for each region, and similarity. Power vertical strengthening in the middle of 2000 led to the conflicts between governors appointed from above and the mayors of the cities elected by the population. So, this article is focused on the opposition which has developed into real information war, between the governor of the Altai territory A.B. Karlin and the mayor of Biisk A.V. Mosiyevsky. The methods used during this war are studied according to the materials of the regional mass media. It is shown that the affecting of mass media has tensing character on consciousness and behavior of people in the conditions of information war. The conclusion is: that information war was an element of the intra elite conflict which was resolved using power administrative actions. As a result regional information wars can not be considered as independent elements of the Russian policy.
