Economical policy of German authorities in occupied territory of Stalingrad region, 1942–

Bolotov Nikolay A., AleksandrV. Gaydashev


One of the main components of any occupation is the economic policy of the invaders against the civilian population in their controlled territory. This aspect of the occupation policy is always the overriding issue in the development of plans capture any territory. Are always respected, how will be the economic relationship between the authorities and the civilian population, and to preserve the local currency as the existing or to withdraw it from circulation. Plan your attack on the Soviet Union, the German government has already had experience of economic cooperation with the civilian population in the occupied countries of Europe. In particular, the Germans occupied the territory was created Imperial credit Fund, by the end of 1942, the total number of which reached 52. The article describes one of the least studied aspects of economic policy of the Nazi occupation authorities on the territory of the Stalingrad region during the great battle between the Volga and the don. Based on the newly introduced into scientific use of historical documents highlighted features of monetary circulation on the territory of Stalingrad in 1942-1943. Important aspect when conducting research work was the fact that the territory was historically inhabited by the Cossack population, in relation to which the Nazi government conducted a special policy of "flirting". The paper also provides examples of handling cash during the occupation. The identified currency, were circulated on the territory of the region in 1942-1943 It is concluded that the process of monetary circulation on the territory of the Stalingrad region had been very conditional.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2014 No. 3 (40)




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