Bases of culturological criteria formation of the concept В«eliteВ»

Gaynutdinova Yekaterina V.


The research objective consists in analysing bases of formation of culturРѕlogical criteria of the concept "elite". Special value is gained in this regard not by the public stereotypes focused on attributes of success, and an individual way to spiritual perfection. The main objective predetermined statement and the solution of specific research objectives: 1) to differentiate such phenomena, as "elite" and "elitism"; 2) to specify some characteristics and value of internal determinancy of the subject caused by its nature; 3) to define aspects of development and achievement of personal elitism (in particular, the main emphasis is placed on such requirements as need for self-updating, needs for self-development which put the main vector of development of the subject). The methodological and theoretical basis of this article is made by substantsional-active approach in the social and philosophical theory according to which the motive is connected with valuable preference in human activity, and its essence consists in the characteristic of preference something to something. Along with it in work methods of the comparative and structural-functional analysis were applied. A number of starting provisions of article rely on works of modern domestic and foreign scientists: P.L. Karabushchenko, K.Kh. Momdzhyan, A.N. Leontyev, S.L .Rubenstein; T. Parsons, N. Luman.
