RSBIC "The Astrakhan memorial museum" in system of cultural tourism

Panteleeva Lilia N.


The museum in the XXI century is not only the information center, but also a certain mechanism of sociocultural communication, which promotes preservation, reproduction and translation of cultural values. Today, the new communication approach at which the visitor becomes full participant of communication process, the interlocutor and the partner is developed. The special role belongs to exhibition activity, active development of cultural tourism and interaction with the tourist enterprises. Museum positioning in innovative space requires search and introduction of modern communication methods, forms and means of the report of information to uneven-age audience. Museum tourism can be the powerful industry of the Astrakhan region. Certainly, museum collections and the research concept of museum’s development will always define its primary activity, and museum communication is only a way to organize this activity so that it became more effective for consumers of museum services. The role of museum and tourism as different cultural institutes intertwine, creating uniform cultural space, and in this space the experts of the museum is promoting a cultural heritage of the Astrakhan region.
