About some methods of the illegal entrepreneurship in an initial period of the new economic policy (1921–1924)

Kotelnikov Aleksey S.


In article, the author considers some methods of illegal entrepreneurship, connected with corruption in the state machinery at the first years of the new economic policy. The author allocates following reasons of this terrible phenomenon for the state. 1. There is a low salary during high inflation. Taken together with a «certain possibilities», which were given official post, this led to expansion of the bribery in the state machinery, especially in economic confusion 1921–1923. It is possible to add uncertainty of officials in stability their position in connection with numerous reorganization in the state machinery during 1920s. 2. In the Soviet officials environment in 1920s there was the opinion that the Soviet power will soon fall also all will return into place. The new economic policy was represented to people, as an example of obvious weakness of the authorities. In these conditions the part of the Soviet officials hastened to snatch the capital and to pass in the category the Soviet officials. During the pre-revolutionary period, their status was more prestigious than the official, at level of narrow-minded consciousness. 3. There is a weakening of the control from law enforcement agencies. for which Transition to the new economic policy and the reorganization of law enforcement agencies activity connected with it were rather disease process.
