Issue 2017 No. 2 (51)



Vasilev D.V.
11-19   471

The author is trying to find out how great was the influence of cities in Ulus Juchi and what were the reasons for the emergence of the cities in the steppe. In addition, the article deals with the discussion problem of correlating archaeological remains of the Golden Horde settlements with the type...
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Charitable activity of the Astrakhan Diocese in the second half of the XIX - early XX century

Kucheruk I.V.
19-22   339

The article reveals the multifaceted charitable activity of the Astrakhan Diocese in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, including both personal donations of church hierarchs, members of the board of trustees councils and parish public towards the poor, opening at the ...
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The russian nation code: to the problem

Chesovskaya M.G., Zaitseva I.V., Shabalina E.I.
23-30   350

The article considers the main categories, which we include in the concept of “Russian nation code”: ethnogenesis of slavs, Russian language, Russian culture, orthodoxy, patriotism. Speaking about each of these categories, the authors conclude that “Russian nation code” is multifaceted pheno...
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The implementation of the agrarian reform on the Hainan Island (1951-1953)

LГјi Hui
30-37   357

In May 1950, Hainan Island was liberated and became the ninth administrative district of the Chinese province of Guangdong. On the 28. Of June the “Law on the Agrarian Reform of the People's Republic of China” which initiated land reforms in the new territories was promulgated. According to the ...
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Influence of ministry of internal affairs reform 2000-2008 on the system of combat training of the police personnel

Soloviev S.G.
37-44   305

Purchasing food operations of the city government in the years of the world war first (on the example of Astrakhan)

Piliptsov I.N.
44-49   343

The article deals with the issue of the local government’s procurement operations in Astrakhan. Based on archived materials, there was determined the information about purchased goods, their quantity and cost. The desire of urban government to profit from the sale of goods and the preservation of ...
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Activities of local authorities of state authority of Astrakhan region in solving the problems of tradein 1946-1949 (on materials of the periodical printing)

Fedina K.S.
49-55   315

This article examines the main measures taken by local authorities in the Astrakhan region to address the problems of free trade in the territory of the Astrakhan region based on periodical press materials. This allows us to identify both general patterns and local features of the ongoing action to ...
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Transition to industrialization as necessary stage of USSR historical development

Nedoshivin A.V.
56-61   345

The topic of economical development in USSR in 1920-s is touched upon in the article. Nowadays this questions is quite debatable. The discussional subject is gradual becoming of USSR like industrially developed state. It was achieved thanks to policy of mixed economy and new economical policy withou...
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The global component of the threats to border security of society

Kolotusha V.V.
62-67   349

The problem of border security, its global component increasingly being reinvented from the standpoint of modern humanitarian knowledge. Under the border security of the society is understood as the state of border relations that protect the values of key fields from the edge of the damage. Border r...
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On "weak links" in the system of countering the ideology of terrorism

Vorontsov S.A., Ponedelkov A.V. (Rostovon-Don), Usmanov R.Kh.
68-74   320

The authors, based on the study of contemporary political processes in Russian society assesses the state of the young generation education in the educational field are considered the ways and means of involving young people in terrorist activities and the "weak links" in the system of countering th...
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Problems of ensuring the security in the caspian region in the context of the conflicts in the middle east (2003-2016)

Ryzhov I.V., Tolkachev V.V.
75-82   336

In the Caspian region are concentrated politico-military, economic and energy interests of the five littoral States such as Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Huge hydrocarbon reserves and unique geographical position put the Caspian region in the center of world politics. The re...
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Formation of a new political culture through the internet-technology

Kolpakov V.
82-88   347

The article examines the role of information and telecommunications network В«InternetВ» in the formation of a new political culture public authority and civil society. The paper provides an overview of the political science research community for the use of the В«Internet in the political process. ...
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Evolution of theoretical ideas on the concept of national security

Ponomarenko Y.A.
88-93   385

The article suggests the study of the evolution of ideas about the concept of national security in domestic and foreign science. In the USSR, the concept of national security was an indirect analog of the notion of national security, which had a narrower content. The modern application of the concep...
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Conduct policy at the present market of entrants of higher educational institutions: specificity, criteria for positioning, effective tools of research

Mineva O.K., Smirnova D.Sh.
93-98   328

This article analyzes the behavior of the policy at the present market of entrants of higher educational institutions: specificity, criteria for positioning, effective tools of research of the city of Astrakhan in 2016....
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Astrakhan region as russian conduktor of integration policy in the Caspian region: history fnd present

Nikonova N.M., Perevezenceva T.V.
99-106   333

The article discusses about the history of the recent period of Astrakhan region. It notes the critical state of the leading branches of production as a result of the termination of economic relations both within the country and with its neighbors across the Caspian Sea. The attention is focused on ...
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Prospects of development of primaries procedure as a stage of party mobilization

Khozikova N.V.
106-111   350

This article analyzes the positive and negative aspects of the primaries procedure, and their impact on the course of the process of party mobilization during the election campaign. The conclusion is that the preliminary stage of the vote as the electoral process is an important factor for the devel...
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Migrants as labor resources for Russia and Europe

Oleynikova S.G., Lebedeva I.Va.
112-117   322

The article is devoted to the issues of labor resources and migration. This topic is relevant both in Russia and in Europe. The central and strategically important direction is the legal regulation of migration processes, and in particular the taxation of labor migration. Illegal migration causes se...
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International intergovernmental organizations of Europe as a source of foreign policy impact on the ukrainian presidential elections of 2014

Kudryashova E.V.
117-124   310

The article is devoted to the consideration of international intergovernmental organizations of Europe as a source of foreign policy influence on the presidential elections of 2014 in Ukraine. Foreign policy influence facilitates the holding of "color revolutions" in some countries, with the aim of ...
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The peculiarities of the reforming of the electoral system and the practice of conducting elections in the sphere of local government in Moscow (2000-2008)

Nikodimova D. I.
125-130   334

The article analyzes the peculiarities carried out in 2000-2008 on improving the electoral system in local government bodies of Moscow. The main goal of the reforms was to democratize and increase the effectiveness of local government bodies. Based on the analysis of law acts, the author discusses t...
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Conceptual study of chronotopiya in the Russian heterotopny space

Khlyscheva E.V.
131-137   330

Each fact, event or opening in the cultural history always have the accurate spatial and temporary coordinates designated by the answer to the questions "Where?" and "When?". The unity of these two vitally connected coordinates makes sense of "hronotope". Disclosure of cultural and historical meanin...
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Ecological culture as a factor of harmonization of relations between a person and nature

Chernikova V.E.
138-144   371

The article studies the actual problems of ecological culture in the conditions of the increasing of global ecological crisis. It is noted that in the modern world the urgent need of transformation of valuable orientations towards the recognition of culture as the priority in the sphere of relations...
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Umberto Eco about phenomenon of culture

Kurtiyeva E.
145-150   348

The article presents the philosophical ideas of the outstanding thinker of our time - Umberto Eco, who had an impact on the understanding of modern culture and philosophy of language. The subject of research is the relationship of language and culture, which is can be observed in the various works o...
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To the question of genesis of culture

Kamova R.M.
150-154   334

Article is devoted to definition of the place and a role of genesis of culture in the period of the present stage of development of culturological knowledge and modernization of culture. Genesis of culture represents consideration of the movement of the initial cultural processes which have led to e...
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The thematization of the concept of entertainment in media studies

Kalinkina D.K.
154-161   417

The relevance of the topic is attributed to the growing interest in the problematic of media culture in cultural studies today. We live in mediatized world. Media (traditional and particularly new media) create our cultural environment as a whole, which allows us to consider media culture as a signi...
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P.Y. Chaadaev as a social and political thinker

Moshchelkov E.N.
162-169   334

P. Chaadaev, as for his contemporaries, and in our time remains one of the most mysterious and controversial of Russian thinkers. In the course of their lives (1794-1856) Chaadaev wrote a few works, even less was published during his lifetime. But even the little that saw the light, had a tremendous...
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I.V. Kamensky - ideologist of the “new slavic outlook”

Boldin V.
169-176   340

The article deals with the social and political views of one of the prominent members of the Slavic movement in the late XIX - early XX century Ilya V. Kamensky. The concept of the “new Slavic outlook”, which was proposed by I.V. Kamensky, is analyzed in the context of the social, political and ...
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About the ratio of category of social dynamics

Shevchuk I.I.
177-186   322

The work is devoted to analysis of reasons and roots of social dynamic, reflected in categories. Author considers questions, connected with mutual relations of such categories as “progress”, “revolution”, “reform” etc. Are investigated points of view of domestic (Gavrov S.N., Grechko P.K...
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P.I. Novgorodtsev and I.A. Ilyin: biographies, facts of scientific and academic life

Ilyin Alexey A.
186-191   349

Over the past decade quotes Novgorodtseva Pavel Ivanovich and Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin began to be used quite often and from representatives of the federal authorities. Paul Novgorodtseva Ivan Ilyin and today belongs to the pioneers of the Russian law, the rule of law, honor, and patriotism. And wha...
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Image of the russian and german ideal political leader

Grigorev A.V., Lebedeva I.V.
192-197   312

Image of the political leader of contemporary Russia in the estimations of the regional student youth (on the example of the astrakhan region)

Mironova Ju.G., Yakovleva T.N.
197-204   328

The article is devoted to the study of the formation of the political leader's image. The relevance of this topic is due to the strengthening of democratic institutions in Russia, so the problem of the image of a political leader and its introduction into the mass consciousness has acquired decisive...
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Modern motherhood philosophy(review of the book by K. Mundlos “when motherhood doesn’t make happy: regretting motherhood phenomenon”)

Bicharova M.M.
205-208   436

The article is devoted to the book by German sociologist K. Mundlos “When motherhood doesn’t make happy: regretting motherhood phenomenon” issued not so long ago and to philosophical thoughts on this subject. It is commonly believed in the society that motherhood automatically brings happiness...
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Challenges to modern society or the beginning of the third world war (a review on the book of P. Orazehovsky “a direct way to the third world war: how the US and NATO create a new world through terrorism, migration and chaos”)

Lebedeva I.V.
209-211   327


Elites and leaders: formation strategies in a modern university". International Congress Astrakhan, April 19-22, 2017

212-216   355