Karneev Rodion R., Mukhortov Anton S.



The purpose of this article is to show how the project of reconceptualisation of the subject is related to the effects of Enlightenment criticism. To solve this problem the authors singles out two previous proects of conceptualisation of the subject proposed by classical philosophy (the project of conceptualisation of the subject (the subject is integral and transparent) and non-classical philosophy (the project of deconceptualisation of the subject - the subject is scattered and asubstantial). It is notes that the word combination “critics of the Enlightenment” contains a productive ambiguity: on the one hand, the criticism proposed by the Enlightenment in relation to certain social phenomena, and on the other hand, the criticism of the criticism of the Enlightenment. The authors reveal certain effects produced by the criticism of the Enlightenment and by the criticism of the criticism of the Enlightenment. These effects may include, for example, decentralization of the world, criticism of classical New European metaphysics, criticism of the concept of the classical subject, enlightened false consciousness, and contemporary cynicism. Thus, it reveals what the Enlightenment criticism is and what the project of reconceptualisation of the subject is. To show how criticism can pass from generation to generation, and how it can influence the concept of the subject, the authors consider the rule-following paradox (Wittgenstein) through the prism of the concept of following social relay races (M. A. Rozov).
