Astrakhan region as russian conduktor of integration policy in the Caspian region: history fnd present

Nikonova N.M., Perevezenceva T.V.


The article discusses about the history of the recent period of Astrakhan region. It notes the critical state of the leading branches of production as a result of the termination of economic relations both within the country and with its neighbors across the Caspian Sea. The attention is focused on the new geopolitical situation in the region position. Factor borderland becomes the determining domestic and foreign policy which was the region after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Versatile activity reveals regional administration aimed at overcoming the crisis, recovery and development of relations with the states of the Caspian region and their border regions, to attract attention to the center of the center of the field as a southern outpost of Russia, which has an important strategic position. This article highlights achievements and difficulties that befell the regional administration in this field. It stands turn of the century, which became a turning point for the region in many ways, and most importantly getting them the right to conduct an independent foreign policy and its approval as a conductor of Russia's interests in the Caspian region. It analyzes the relationship with the Caspian countries in the humanitarian, economic and information fields. The conclusion is that the many-sided cooperation of subjects of the countries in the Caspian Sea indicates the integration process, with all its complexities.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2017 No. 2 (51)




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