Problems of ensuring the security in the caspian region in the context of the conflicts in the middle east (2003-2016)

Ryzhov I.V., Tolkachev V.V.


In the Caspian region are concentrated politico-military, economic and energy interests of the five littoral States such as Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Huge hydrocarbon reserves and unique geographical position put the Caspian region in the center of world politics. The region attracts the attention of a number of players from outside the region, primarily the USA and China. In addition, with the Caspian region are important geopolitical issues, such as uncertain legal status of the Caspian Sea, delimitation of the water area, safe transportation of the Caspian hydrocarbons, the security issues of the Caspian sea and the destabilization of the middle East that gave rise to the deep crisis of the international security system. The clash of interests of different States in the region and a huge number of problems aggravate the military-political situation in the Caspian sea area. In connection with the problem of ensuring security in the Caspian region is an urgent and intractable. Moreover, the settlement of Caspian problems to a greater extent depend on the nature of the relationship of all stakeholders, especially from Russia, USA and Iran, which are closely involved in the conflict in Suria, which can not affect their policy in the Caspian region.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2017 No. 2 (51)




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