Umberto Eco about phenomenon of culture

Kurtiyeva E.


The article presents the philosophical ideas of the outstanding thinker of our time - Umberto Eco, who had an impact on the understanding of modern culture and philosophy of language. The subject of research is the relationship of language and culture, which is can be observed in the various works of Italian writer and philosopher. In his researches, the Italian philosopher acts as an advocate of contemporary culture. Eco examines contemporary culture, as a special system, formed by means of mass communication he finds a crisis of representation, reflecting the culture of the whole crisis. Moreover, in his researchers he acknowledges that the potential of the media, which is being constantly changing the thinking, allows "mass culture" to act as a mechanism for manipulation. Mass media and information in the modern culture are truly endless. After studying the field of mass communication culture, the philosopher admits that the main problem - is a way to broadcast information, which in his opinion, is not to extend its visualization, while maintaining its ability to critical reflection and immunity to her persuasive intentions. Based on the analysis of U.Eco works, and also works of thinkers who have influenced on his work, the characteristics of the philosophical understanding of the culture associated with the linguistic and semiotic and communicative approaches is being provided. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of understanding Eco’s modern culture, which has relevance to the study of its contemporary manifestations.
