Formation of a new political culture through the internet-technology

Kolpakov V.


The article examines the role of information and telecommunications network В«InternetВ» in the formation of a new political culture public authority and civil society. The paper provides an overview of the political science research community for the use of the В«Internet in the political process. It is noted that the use of Internet resources in the political process was described long before the network in Russia. The author examines the main sources and mechanisms for obtaining political information. It analyzes the main trends in the use of the Internet by Russian society as a means of obtaining information. The article highlights the key performance indicators such as the number of Russian Internet users, the average age of the network audience, the main sources of information, the level of confidence in the published information, and the use of social networks. The author points out the need to consider the electronic media and social networks, blogs and forums together - as a single-source of political information. Defined user preferences for certain online sources. It emphasizes the significant influence of the Internet, young people, as a strategic resource of the state. In addition, this study shows the author's interpretation of the main action public authorities to computerization and internetization of public administration and the political process.
