The global component of the threats to border security of society

Kolotusha V.V.


The problem of border security, its global component increasingly being reinvented from the standpoint of modern humanitarian knowledge. Under the border security of the society is understood as the state of border relations that protect the values of key fields from the edge of the damage. Border relations are treated as relations of differentiation of the spiritual, social, material and production and organizational areas of a particular society from similar areas in other countries. Global threats to border security is defined as the outer cross-border threats of a global nature. These threats are presented in four groups according to allocated on the basis of the substantial activity approach and its four main areas. Among the most pressing global threats to border security are the terrorist threat, the activities of transnational organized crime, illegal cross-border migration, and other negative cross-border flows.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2017 No. 2 (51)




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