Conceptual study of chronotopiya in the Russian heterotopny space

Khlyscheva E.V.


Each fact, event or opening in the cultural history always have the accurate spatial and temporary coordinates designated by the answer to the questions "Where?" and "When?". The unity of these two vitally connected coordinates makes sense of "hronotope". Disclosure of cultural and historical meanings of the relation to space and time in different cultures becomes a basis of their distinction and stimulates understanding of cultural situations of the past, present and future. Ours knowledge of chronotope is the model of certain reality, based on concrete signs. And if these signs are estimated incorrectly, the reality will be “built" mistakenly that will cause incorrect assessment of a historical way as in the past and in the future. In this situation consideration of specifics of special space time (chronotope) with its concrete historical events is especially significant. The basic chronotope, proving evolution of Russia, is the doctrine of "a special Way / Mission". In the conditions of self-identification crisis we can see the revival of interest in justification of "a special way" of development of Post-Soviet Russia, which is so unique that it is incomparable with others. In Post-Soviet time such theories, describing Russia as the special world, began to appear in a huge number. "The special way" is a way of power value where the prime target of "Sacred Russia" is to keep the whole world from the Evil. The logic of the civilization project alternative to the West becomes dominating in the second decade of the 21st century. The idea of stability of the Russian civilization - contrary to all historical logic - supports commitment of most of the population to saving own concept of life and the traditional valuable representations.
