The thematization of the concept of entertainment in media studies

Kalinkina D.K.


The relevance of the topic is attributed to the growing interest in the problematic of media culture in cultural studies today. We live in mediatized world. Media (traditional and particularly new media) create our cultural environment as a whole, which allows us to consider media culture as a significant type of contemporary culture. Besides, we can observe intensification of entertainment component of culture under the influence of media. Entertainment has always been an important segment of any culture. However the development of mass media in modern period has made the essential shift in entertainment practices and encourages the rise of powerful entertainment industry. Entertainment becomes a powerful strategy manifesting itself in different segments of culture. The article explores the phenomenon of media entertainment and deals with approaches to entertainment in works on media of such scholars as B. Benjamin, M. Horkheimer, T. Adorno, H. Marcuse, N. Postman, J. Baudrillard, N. Luman, N. Bolz.
