Issue 2015 No. 1 (42)


Public administration in russian lands through the prism of assembly office-work in XII - the beginning of the XV centuries

Darmilova Ella N., Borlakova Farizat Рђ., Abazalieva Larisa Kh.
12-19   331

The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the assembly office of Russia. The author sought to emphasize the dependence of the case management system of the existing management system. He notes that in the XIII-XIV centuries expands the scope of the assembly material. Paperwork is a prerequisite...
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Problems and contradictions of higher education development in Russia at the late XIX and early XX century

Kornilova Irina M.
19-24   453

This work is devoted to the development of higher education in Russia at the late XIX and early XX century. Changes in the socio-economic life of the country, especially the needs of the emerging industrial production, the emerging shoots of capitalist relations...
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Tatar national school outside of religious communities in the early XX century (on the example of Astrakhan Muslim school "Darul-Adap")

Imasheva Marina M.
24-31   397

In the early XX century social and economic transformation happens in the environment Astrakhan Muslim bourgeoisie. the establishment of a new system of primary education among the Muslims of the Russian Empire, founded on the principles of jadidism, was one result of the formatio...
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The anti-Semitic reaction on the doctors' plot by the soviet society (on materials of Novgorod KGB)

Astashkin Dmitriy Yu.
32-39   379

The Doctors' plot was a prominent example of the Soviet anti-Semitic policy of the post-war period. It was accompanied by show trials and anti-Semitic propaganda in state-run mass media. The Soviet society of that period was scared and spread Anti-Semitic rumors and gossip. The KGB paid special atte...
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Russian statehood in the acute period of history (the review of the monograph "Russian statehood in times of crises, wars and revolutions: the power, values, institutions" edited by R.V. Yevstifeev. Vladimir, 2014)

Grishin Nikolay V.
40-42   341

The paper analyzes the content and the main results of the collective monographic study of the phenomenon of Russian statehood in the acute period of Russian history, edited by R.V. Evstifeev. The book under review is prepared in the 100th anniversary of the First World War and is the first interdis...
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Democracy as a hope on reasonable and equitable order (in memory of Robert Dahl)

Sytin Andrey G.
43-50   516

The article is dedicated to the memory of the eminent political scientist Robert Alan Dahl, died in 2014, and aged 98. The article makes an effort to designate crucial directions in the study of his heritage. First of all, it is the study of his scientific research methodology. The author reveals th...
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Power of moral as the main components of a strong state

Belevskaya Yuliya Yu., Volochaeva Oksana F.
51-55   663

Not totalitarian, namely a strong state is a state that has the following qualities: moral power, economic power, has qualitatively functioning state institutions-established inverse relationship between government and society, as well as a social state. In addition, without which one cannot speak a...
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Has bureaucracy В«political innocenceВ»? (about the theoretical conclusions of management approach in political thought)

Boytsova Olga Yu.
55-61   356

The article considers the theoretical bases and consequences of management approach in the interpretation of the policy, under which its content is a rational, evidence-based action to solve social problems. According to management approach named “managerism”, politics is understood as policy: e...
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The problem of interregional leveling as the way of resolving the contradiction between equality and efficiency

Budovskaya Olesya V.
62-68   346

The article deals with mutually beneficial fast-growing interregional contacts and relations, which are considered to be one of the most important factors for social and economic development of the country, for social and political stability and for territorial integrity of the state. Being a very i...
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Portrait of modern extremists (on the example of the analysis of indictments and convictions for violent crimes)

Zubova Oksana G.
69-75   353

In article described a social portrait of the modern extremist, the mechanisms involved in the youth extremism based on the analysis of indictments and convictions for violent crimes for 2010-2013 years. Is detected in the main channel of dissemination of harmful information content through social n...
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Preliminary results of yet another reform of local government on the example of Astrakhan region

Monin Vadim V.
75-82   312

The paper analyzes preliminary results of 2014 local government reform by the example of Astrakhan region. It presents the correspondence analysis of issues facing municipalities by the end of 2013, stated aims of the reform and preliminary results obtained by the end of 2014. It dwells on the probl...
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Administrative prejudice as means criminalization of acts (on the example of the norms with blanket disposition)

Chemerinsky Konstantin V.
82-89   530

The paper is devoted to consideration of the reasonableness of the use of administrative prejudice as a means of criminalizing acts in the criminal law of Russia. On the example of the rules with blanket disposition, the conclusion about the effectiveness of the use of administrative prejudice, grou...
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Ukrainian project: the problem of total simulation

Stavitskiy Andrey V.
89-96   333

The article considers the problem of positioning the Ukrainian project, which is based on a systematic organized terminological and semantic substitution. This substitution can justify the historical legitimacy of the Ukrainian project and the right to education of the Ukrainian state. And also crea...
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Political hyperreality: the image of America in postmodernism

Alasaniya Kira Yu.
96-102   348

The article examines a postmodernist concept of hyperreality in the political context. A specific interest is connected with analyzing this concept in terms of the real state - the United States of America. The works of the outstanding postmodernist philosophers Umberto Eco and Jean Baudrillard are ...
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В«SoftВ» and В«cleverВ» force in the modern policy: search of priorities

Baranov Nikolay A.
102-110   765

In the XXI century beginning there was a change of priorities in a world policy: soft force as a preferable variant of influence on other countries and the people began to alternate with the rigid force connected with application of traditional power measures of influence. Such sy...
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The changing beneficiaries of the world order and modern world politics

Yemuzova Evelina A., Nefedov Serge A.
111-117   349

The conclusion locates in the present article that in the modern world there is a change of beneficiaries of a world order. Universal interests gradually give way to interests tightly egoistic. The understanding of these changes allows more exact assessment to the events in modern world politics, ne...
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Euro-Islam as a way of integration of Muslims into European community (on the example of the political life of the United Kingdom)

Stankevich Galina V., Kosov Gennadiy V.
117-126   363

This article analyzes the penetration of ideas Euroislam in the political life of the United Kingdom and other European countries. There are some common trends specific to the dissemination of ideas of Euro-Islam in the European Union and the means for their incorporation. We prove that the Euro-Isl...
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The influence of american ideas of expertocracy in culture and politics of Western Europe

Nikandrov Aleksey V.
126-134   331

The article discusses the changes in intellectual and politics field in Western Europe, which took place after the Second World War. Western European intellectuals gained by this time an anormous impact on politics, which did not suit the American political tlite, to develop plans to establish full ...
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About contemporary issues application of the USA 1986 law the uniformed and overseas citizens absentee voting act

Marmilova Yekaterina P.
135-139   326

The Law В«The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting ActВ» was adopted by the USA Congress in 1986. This is one of the key US law, which is the pride of both chambers of Congress. It establishes dates, rules, forms and methods of for the absentee voting US citizens who are abroad. The artic...
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Foreign policy priorities of Azerbaijan: integration into the world community

Gamidov Sanan Salekh ogly
139-149   324

Geopolitical position of Azerbaijan long since drew to it attention of near and far actors. Without going deep into history of Persian-ottoman or Russian-British rivalry for influence and domination, it is possible to tell, as today Azerbaijan is in focus of close international attention. In article...
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Press political party of the Russian Federation in the late XX and early XXI centuries

Golovchenko Natalya A.
149-155   339

The press of political parties of the Russian Federation is a unique information resource that can influence public opinion, the dynamics of social, political and cultural life of the State. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries political parties of Russia held their own information policies, tr...
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The transbaikal region province political and enlightenment governance working in 1923-1926

Sazhina Antonina I.
156-162   333

The article deals with the highlights some issues of the Transbaikal region provincial political and educational governance (subdivision of the Transbaikal region political and educational work of the provincial department of national education) on the organization of the elimination of illiteracy a...
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Problems of civic engagement on the Internet

Obidin Nikita A.
162-173   495

Dynamics of Internet penetration in the Russian society has been steadily increasing from year to year, with the functions that the Internet provides, it becomes all the more. Now the Internet is able to provide many opportunities not only its ordinary users, but also representatives of civil societ...
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History of Philosophy

The platonic analogy between socrates and achilles: the replacement of the homeric model of bravery

Stefou Konstantinos Chr
174-184   325

It is well-known that Plato, in his early dialogues, invents many literary devices in order to depict Socrates as the true model of virtue. An example of one of these devices can be found in the Apology and the Crito , where Plato resorts to the analogy between Socrates and Achilles. Before the poss...
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The interconnection of political thought and political history (discussions in domestic political literature in the second half of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries)

Publication retracted: 2021-05-25

Moshchelkov Yevgeniy N.
184-193   314

The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the interdependence of political thought and political history that existed in the national debate of political literature in the second half of the XIРҐ - early XX century. The author considers the work of leading Russian scientists of that time, discu...
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Features of person’s spirituality in interpersonal relationship

Publication retracted: 2021-05-25

Karabushchenko Natalya B., Ivashchenko Aleksandr V., Chkhikvadze Tinatin V., Pilishvili Tatyana S.
194-199   345

The article considers the problem of spirituality’s manifestation criteria in the field of interpersonal relations. On the basis of these criteria were explored such levels of spirituality as aspiritual, actualization of spiritual needs in communication, realization of spirituality in relation to ...
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Silence role in ontology of language of Wittgenstein and Heidegger

Medvedev Nikolay V., Fedotova Yekaterina Yu.
199-209   352

The article deals with comparative analysis of the views of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Martin Heidegger in the definition of the role of silence in the ontological structure of language. Despite the fact that Wittgenstein and Heidegger are representatives of two opposed traditions of philosophizing - a...
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The history of ancient cognitive tourism

Shebzukhova Tatyana A.
210-216   304

Historical tourism gives us a lot of valuable observations about how this or that historical era implemented intelligent communication and how communication is redefining obtained in the course of this exchange of experience. It seems to us very interesting to observe the compound of disciplines suc...
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The game and the norm, the game and the form

Amirkhanyan Anait M., Lebedeva Irena V.
217-221   338

The course of “Creative linguistics” raises a number of complex issues that require theoretical comprehension and understanding of the nature of occurrence of certain linguistic phenomena. Many of the answers to the given questions can be found in the new manual “Let's talk about the strangene...
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В«Cold WarВ» of hot summer 2014 (modern geopolitics and its В«heroicВ» elite)

Karabushchenko Pavel L.
222-233   338

The illusion that the “cold war” ended in 1991, the US mistakenly thought themselves the victors in this war. It was not a victory, because after it was no peace. It was a short respite, a truce, which was soon broken by the US itself. There are no winners in the “cold war”. Everybody is van...
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Modern russian political elite on the way to the new configuration

Urchukova Saida R.
243-249   323

In relation to modern Russia increase of attention to socio-political and ideological and moral qualities of political elite is caused by the processes of democratization of political system demanding democratic reorientation of the political elite which is shown in liberal and democratic views, int...
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Special training of elite units of Russian armed forces

Nebratenko Sergey V.
250-256   335

The army has always been one of the main indicators of prestige of the state and political opportunities existing in it power. The quality of the army itself is measured by the level of training of special units that make up its core (its fighting elite). This article is an analysis of the quality o...
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Wine in ethic and philosophical system of Confucianism

Song Jie
256-266   330

Along with music, wine and wine drinking in Confucian philosophy was built into the general system of rules and rituals and used as "an external method" of self-improvement and for the creation of social space. For Confucianism joint wine drinking - public and ritualized - was an important way of de...
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Publication retracted: 2019-11-02

Novoselov S.V.
233-242   428

The article says that since Turkmenistan gained independence - the country remains the most closed in the post-Soviet space. Turkmenistan is unique - here combines a mixture of socialism, eastern khanate and the beginnings of democracy. First president Niyazov managed to create not just an authorita...
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Institutional activity in the professional space of the region

Kryatova Natalya V., Petryakova Yelena A.
267-274   349

In this article the authors discusses the dualistic nature of the functioning of social institutions - on the one hand ensuring continuous playback of social practices, stability, on the other - to change social practices, in accordance with the requirements of the society experienced stages of deve...
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The problem of inclusive education improving in the context of globalization and modernization

Romashina Yelena V.
274-281   347

The system of modern education is diverse in forms and methods, but is based on the fundamentals of humanism and democracy. In modern conditions, the development of inclusive education requires constant refinement and adjustment to current trends such as globalization processes and modernization. It...
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Social activity of youth in the virtual community network (studies in the Belgorod region)

Aseeva Olga V.
281-288   372

This article deals with the manifestations of social activity in youth as objectively real and virtual space. Marked promising directions of development of virtual network communities, affecting the activity of young people. Given the objective factors that contribute to the social activity of young...
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Frontier as a cultural paradigm

Yakushenkov Sergey N.
288-298   347

The article analyzes the main approaches to the study of Frontier Theory. In various examples, the author shows the diversity of frontiers as a special cultural model. A special attention is paid to the analysis of frontier model developed by a Siberian scientist I. P. Basalaeva. It has been shown t...
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Image of kazakhs as stranger on the lower Volga frontier

Romanova Anna P., Yermukhanova Nagima A.
298-303   347

The article is devoted to the formation of image of Kazakh on the Lower Volga frontier. The authors show the transformation of the views of the Russian population at the Kazakhs during the XIX - early XX centuries, through the prism of concepts Stranger/Other. For the analysis of the position of Ali...
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The phenomenon of myth and modernity: philosophical and cultural analysis

Kunyashova Svetlana V.
303-308   320

This article presents a philosophical and cultural analysis of the problem of phenomenal myth and its dynamics. The myth is studied in the context of its correlation with the mass consciousness, the human psyche, cultural and social development. Author's view is reflected in the need for interdiscip...
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Leonid Andreev's prose in the context of horror fiction

Tikhomirov Daniel S.
308-314   348

The research is devoted to those features of Leonid Andreev's oeuvre, which tie him with the tradition of horror fiction. The aim of the work is not only to determine the place of Andreev in the genre history, but to define specific literary techniques and devices, which the writer uses to infuse th...
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Jury in the astrakhan province at the end of the XIX century: features of formation

Chernik Mariya V.
315-320   313

The article investigates regional experience of transformations of system of judicial system and legal proceedings, in connection with in conducting provisions of Judicial reform of 1864 in full in the territory of the Astrakhan province. Projects of the Ministry of Justice on change of system of ju...
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Comics as a reflection of the socio-cultural dynamics in American popular culture

Aliev Rastyam T.
320-326   451

Comics, as a modern phenomenon has passed quite a long way from the usual religious stories in pictures, to superhero blockbuster. Ultimately, he is transformed into a culture-factor in the development of popular culture United States, acquiring features of the "litmus test" of state of American soc...
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Social and political themes in the pages of the scientific journal "Modern science and innovation: the experience of historiographical reviewВ»

Vartumyan Arushan Рђ.
326-343   380

The increase in the array of scientific literature and publications in scientific journals due to the need for the appearance of review articles comparative and analytical analysis. This article attempts to analyze the publications of scientific journal devoted to social and political topics. Suffic...
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The modern formula of the German nation (the review of the book by Adam Fletcher “How to be German”. In 50 easy steps. A guide from Apfelschorle to Tschüss. Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2013. 73 p.)

Lebedeva Irena V., Thomas Macho
343-348   367

The article reveals the features of the book by English author Adam Fletcher, who lives and works in Germany and knows the German daily routines and culture enough to tell the reader about it and explain many strange moments. From this book we learn about the most typical German habits and behavior,...
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Concept as the basic category of linguistic culture on the pages of the journal “Humanitarian Researches”

Stompel Yelena M.
348-354   340

The article gives the general survey of the journal “Humanitaria Studia” (Humanitarian Studies), issues 2011-2013. The main problems in the focus of the author’s attention are linguocultural (linguistic and cultural) concepts and linguocultural (linguistic and cultural) types (personalities) a...
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Characteristics and functions remittances Transnistrian labor migrants

Volkova Olga A., Ostavnaya Alla N.
355-365   323

The article describes the migration situation in the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldovan Republic. On materials of statistical information and the results of our empirical study the characteristic of remittances to the region, and highlights their role in the socio-economic development of the countr...
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Russian collaborator print media: coverage of the spanish blue division in Russia

Kovalev Boris N.
367-373   357

The Spanish Blue Division stationed in Novgorod and its vicinity from October 1941 to August 1942. That volunteer unit, an ally of Nazi Germany, arrived at the Eastern Front. The Blue Division took part in the sanguinary battles against the Red Army during the winter of 1941-1942. Later it wasdeploy...
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The origin analysis of the south Russian' women participation in the great patriotic war

Kameneva Galina N.
374-383   512

The article presents the origin base research analysis of the South Russian' women patriotic activity during the Great Patriotic War. The author analyzed different origin groups including the documents from more than 120 funds, 4 central, 14 regional archives and paid attention on documents of count...
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The role of local industrial enterprises in organizing the production of everyday objects of demand in the lower Volga region during the great patriotic war (1941-1945)

Krasnozhenova Yelena Ye.
383-389   303

This article analyzes the work of local industrial enterprises of the Lower Volga region in the area of the region's population objects of everyday use. The Great Patriotic War led to a reduction of centralized funds of industrial products; thereby Lower Volga systematically loses them. An important...
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