The interconnection of political thought and political history (discussions in domestic political literature in the second half of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries)

Moshchelkov Yevgeniy N.

Publication retracted

Date: 2021-05-25

Причина ретракции: Дублирование публикации в нескольких изданиях Дополнительная информация о причинах ретракции: Ретракция оформлена на основании протокола заседания редакционного совета журнала, так как дублирует публикацию: Мощелков Е.Н. История философии права в университетском образовании России (XIX - начало XX в.) / Московский гос. ун-т им. М. В. Ломоносова, Филос. фак., Каф. философии, политики и права. Москва, 2011.


The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the interdependence of political thought and political history that existed in the national debate of political literature in the second half of the XIРҐ - early XX century. The author considers the work of leading Russian scientists of that time, discuss this topic in the pages of his works very active and fruitful . Made while ideas are popular and modern scientific thought, finding in them a lot of valuable tips on contemporary political events and scientific theories.

