Power of moral as the main components of a strong state

Belevskaya Yuliya Yu., Volochaeva Oksana F.


Not totalitarian, namely a strong state is a state that has the following qualities: moral power, economic power, has qualitatively functioning state institutions-established inverse relationship between government and society, as well as a social state. In addition, without which one cannot speak about the listed items, the state is strong, if it can protect its citizens their rights and freedoms, as well as protection from interference in its internal affairs from the outside. The moral power of the state multipartite concept. It includes a person's love for his homeland, and spiritual connection between individuals who are aware of themselves as part of a single community, and national ideology. The task is to issue a strong state and to fix based on the national mentality, culture and set of values of society national idea. The people are not a simple sum of individuals living in the moment, a defined territory, and there is a community of people who are aware of their belonging to the historical heritage left by previous generations, to settle in the area and changing along with it.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 1 (42)




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