Modern russian political elite on the way to the new configuration

Urchukova Saida R.


In relation to modern Russia increase of attention to socio-political and ideological and moral qualities of political elite is caused by the processes of democratization of political system demanding democratic reorientation of the political elite which is shown in liberal and democratic views, intellectual courage and independence. Investigating a question of the most productive, useful to society of elite, it is necessary to allocate that subjective criteria - its moral, cultural, educational level, its qualification, and also such most essential criterion as the population attitude towards her also are important for rather full assessment of quality of elite. In article the key role of political elite in political system of modern Russia that predetermines theoretical and practical relevance of conceptual studying of the main tendencies of a federal and regional elitoobrazovaniye as conditions of validity of the analysis and reliability of the forecast of political processes for the purpose of ensuring efficiency of political management is noted. In modern conditions the question of formation of social and productive political elite which can be solved by carrying out effective state personnel policy in the elite sphere which in many respects is defined by the level of openness of elite and a support on a wide social base taking into account will and interests of the most perspective social groups - carriers of the progressive political and social and economic relations is particularly acute.
