The transbaikal region province political and enlightenment governance working in 1923-1926

Sazhina Antonina I.


The article deals with the highlights some issues of the Transbaikal region provincial political and educational governance (subdivision of the Transbaikal region political and educational work of the provincial department of national education) on the organization of the elimination of illiteracy and political education of the adult population in 1923-1926. Decisions party forums and decrees of the Soviet government was determined that work as one of the most important elements of the socialist transformation of the Russian state and society. However, on the path to achieve this goal were a number of obstacles, including lack of funds and qualified personnel, lack of methodological materials that can be used in institutions for adults, as well as an ambiguous attitude towards this work of the population. The article examines the main control measures to address these problems, including the creation of a system of education and educational institutions for adults (items of eradicate illiteracy and schools for uneducated, clubs, village reading rooms), their financial, organizational and methodological support, involvement in them population. In the article assesses its role in the eradication of illiteracy and adult education organization Transbaikal region. The article is written on the basis of materials deposited in the funds of the State Archive of the Transbaikal region and the State Archive of the Khabarovsk region.
