Social activity of youth in the virtual community network (studies in the Belgorod region)

Aseeva Olga V.


This article deals with the manifestations of social activity in youth as objectively real and virtual space. Marked promising directions of development of virtual network communities, affecting the activity of young people. Given the objective factors that contribute to the social activity of young people in virtual online communities. Presents the results of the author's research "Social activity of young people in virtual online communities", conducted in 2013-2014 years. in the Belgorod region on the basis of the author constructed instruments. Using the quota multistage sample (в„– = 684 respondents). According to the results of the analysis of indicators drawn conclusions about the impact of virtual communications carried out in online communities, social activity of modern young men and women, as well as presents the possibility to control the functioning of young people in virtual online communities in order to create her social activism in an objectively real space.
