Tatar national school outside of religious communities in the early XX century (on the example of Astrakhan Muslim school "Darul-Adap")

Imasheva Marina M.


In the early XX century social and economic transformation happens in the environment Astrakhan Muslim bourgeoisie. the establishment of a new system of primary education among the Muslims of the Russian Empire, founded on the principles of jadidism, was one result of the formation of a new type Tatar businessman. primary school outside of religious communities began to open in different parts of the country with a significant Muslim population. In Astrakhan province this school became a primary school "Darul-ADAP", open cultural and educational society "Shuri-Islam" in 1906. The school became the main guide jadeski pedagogy in the region, in which children were trained local Muslim bourgeoisie.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 1 (42)




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