Issue 2017 No. 4 (53)



Some thougts about the wooden astrakhan kremlin and location of the rascat tower on the basis of archeologycal data

Vasilev D.V.
11-18   351

The article deals with the circumstances of the construction of the first Astrakhan Kremlin. The author suggests that the transfer of Tatar Astrakhan to the left bank, under the protection of the Volga river, could take place in the XV century. It is possible that the town of Haji-Tarkhan was a seas...
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Participation of astrakhan governors in the implementation of the external political course of the country in the south-east direction in the XVIII century

Toropitsyn I.V.
18-23   391

The article is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the implementation in the XVIII century. Russia's foreign policy in the south-east direction and the role of the Astrakhan governors in this process. The focus is on the diplomatic and military-political aspects of governors in Astrakh...
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The problem of relations of kazakh and kalmiks in the II quarter of the XVIII century

Boldyreva O.N.
24-28   348

The relevance of this article is the further expansion for studying the role of the Kalmyk Khanate in Russia's eastern policy, especially in the eighteenth century, when the khanate was at the top of its development. This is important not only for the history of the Kalmyk people proper, but also fo...
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Buddhist church of kalmyks in the policy of astrakhan governors in the second half of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries

Kurapov A.A.
29-35   321

The article deals with the management of the internal life of the Buddhist church of the Volga Kalmyks by the Astrakhan governors in the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries on the basis of the main articles of the "Regulations on the Administration of the Kalmyk People" in 1847...
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The don peasantry in historical science during the pre-revolutionary period

Kolomeytseva M.A.
35-43   360

In article the historiography of the Don peasantry and a peasants question in pre-revolutionary historiography is studied. It is shown, that the regional historiography was formed in line with development of historical science in Russia. The main attention was traditionally paid to the Cossacks, que...
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The discussions about the introduction of new economic policy: the modern view

Vinogradov S.V.
44-49   445

The article is devoted to one of the fateful moments in Soviet history - the transition from the policy of "war communism" to the new economic policy. The transition to new economic policy allowed the Bolsheviks to avoid a new round of civil war, to retain power and quickly restore the country's eco...
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Influence of civil'trust to state servants on interaction of power and civil society: regional features

Lunev A.P., Mineva O.K., Mordasov A.O., Minev V.S.
50-55   381

The article considers the population's confidence in state civil servants as a social mechanism for stabilizing relations between the state and society, based on the effectiveness of the functioning of the structures of state power and administration. Being a cumulative assessment, trust ialso refle...
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The political life of modern China (on materials of printed chinese media)

Kosov G.V., Savtyireva A.A.
56-61   429

The article analyzes the political life of modern China based on the analysis of the materials of such print media as “Zhen'min' Zhibao” and «Zhen'min' Khuabao». It is proved that the main goal of the printed Chinese media, which have their electronic versions on the Internet, is the formation...
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Research of electoral reform: peculiarities and limitations

Evstifeev R.V.
62-66   388

The article discusses the data on the special characteristics of electoral reforms. Based on the analysis of studies on electoral reforms in various countries, the author have identified the main patterns of reformsand features of their study, which include the correlation between the goals of chang...
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Distribution of ethnic information and problem of optimization of political communications in the ethnocultural environment

Dzhanteeva J.S.
67-73   333

Political-communicative processes determine the life of modern society. Local political contacts formed in ethno-cultural environment, due to socio-cultural facets, appropriate trends and communication mechanisms used by actors of the ethnic policy in connection with the conquest, retention, impleme...
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The image of another in intra-political discourse (on the example of the Basket country)

Morozova E.V.
74-80   457

The author examines identity politics in the European region, characterized by a significant manifestation of separatism - the Basque Country in Spain. The model of regional identity by R. Fitiar is used in the article, R. Fitjar singled out such factors that strengthen this identity as regional lan...
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Will small-family tax help to solve the demographic problem?

Morozova O.V.
81-87   439

The small-family tax which is have been recently discussed by Russian officials was taken in the USSR in 1941, when the country badly needed in increasing of demographic and financial growth. The Soviet Union is not the first and not the only country which introduced this tax. The problems of family...
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State election policy in relation to prisoners in the United States

Morozova O.S.
87-93   398

This article is about the state of electoral politics in relation to certain categories of citizens: those convicted and serving a sentence and was already released from places of imprisonment. The laws of different countries, characterized by a great diversity in the provisions governing the limita...
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Strategic potential of "turkish steam" in system of international energy security

Shangaraev R., Eyvazov R.
93-100   382

Turkey seeks to increase its political and diplomatic presence in different regions, sometimes playing the role of "mediator" in relations with Europe and Russia, presenting yourself as a strategic partner to strengthen its position and secure a role of mediator in solving problems and resolving dis...
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Video transmission in social media as a tool for forming a political image

Kurkemova E.T.
100-106   313

The article is devoted to the research of social media area (for example Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) in order to identify the main tendency in the formation of the political image and also to identify the most promising tools for building an image strategy. The subject of research we...
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Prospects of development of primaries procedure as a stage of party mobilization

Khozikova N.V.
107-112   412

This article analyzes the positive and negative aspects of the primaries procedure, and their impact on the course of the process of party mobilization during the election campaign. The conclusion is that the preliminary stage of the vote as the electoral process is an important factor for the devel...
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Cultural security of the Astrakhan region from the perspective of young people

Romanova A.P., Topchiev M.S., Rogov A.V.
113-124   369

The term "cultural securityВ» is included last decade in the domain of science, not only ofWestern Humanities, but in Russian investigations. Problems of military security are beginning to be complemented by studies of the safety of societal spheres in the works of scholars of Wales, Copenhagen and ...
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F.N. Gorenstein’s «Astrakhan - black caviar»: philosophy of landscape

Zavyalova E.E.
124-130   365

The article reveals the functions of descriptions of the natural and anthropogenic landscapes in "traveler's notes" created by F.N. Gorenstein after a trip to Astrakhan. The importance of the opposition "own" - "alien" in the story, alternating European sketches with Asian ones, is proved. It is all...
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Economic culture of the east in the context of the concept of "not western modernity"

Ulanov M.S., Badmaev V.N.
130-136   353

The article is devoted to the problem of the economic culture of the East, which is considered in the context of the concept of "non-Western modernity". Particular attention is paid to the influence of Buddhism on the economic culture of the countries of the East. It is noted that the true, higher h...
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Cultural brand-building of Volgagrad: problems and circumstances

Shipitsin A.I., Scheglova L.V.
137-145   450

The article generalizes and systematizes international practices of culture and arts marketing in brand-building of cities for the purpose of revealing the circumstances necessary for successful cultural policy aiming to build a positive image of a city as a cultural center in relation to Volgograd....
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Epochal values and valuable human personalities in the contemporary world

Grineva O.A.
146-151   407

The article provides a brief overview of universal value orientations in different historical periods (Antiquity, middle Ages, modern and contemporary times), and sums up the totality of the moral ideals of humanity. The article also discusses the sociocultural changes that have occurred due to the ...
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Malkhaz Melkonyants to the edge of oikumen

Kanatyeva N.
152-160   338

The article describes an episode from the amazing fate of a blind missionary sectarian of the second half of the 19th century. Malkhaz Melkonyants, who preached on the territory of the Astrakhan province. Being a Turkish Armenian by birth, he was raised in a special school under the American evangel...
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Analysis of the reasons for the emergence of Childfree in the modern world

Gorlova E.V.
160-165   412

This article analyzes the causes of voluntary renunciation of the birth and upbringing of adherents В«childfreeВ». A rich research material was analyzed. The parallel between the different decades studies of the main reasons for the choice of the image of В«childfreeВ» life is made. In the course of...
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Religious identity in the Internet: social and cultural aspect

Kholova L.A.
165-170   436

This article analyzes the process of formation of image of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Internet on the example of Astrakhan sites of temples and churches. Virtual reality has become part of a huge online world where there are new forms of digital communication. Dialectics of electronic and in...
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Border heterotopia or should be the borders locked

Yakushenkov S.N.
171-178   359

The author analyzes in the article with the help of the Fuconian approach to heterotopic spaces the concept of В«boundaryВ» in the Russian discourse. Defining the boundary as a heterotopy, the author proves that its characteristics are not reduced only to a protective function, but are dictated by a...
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Bathhouse as foucauldian heterotopias

Iakushenkova O.
179-185   428

The author tries to trace the cultural phenomenon of the bath as a heterotopic space. Foucauldian approach that allows to allocate a unique space which combines multiple cultural spaces in each culture is used for this purpose. These spaces called heterotopias by Foucault operate based on special la...
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Gotham as virtual heterotopy

Aliev R.T.
185-194   331

This article analyzes the phenomenon of virtual heterotopy based on the example of the fictional comic city of Gotham. Raising the question of the mediation of modern man and the transformation of the subject into an object of mass culture, the author turns to the ideas of the French poststructurali...
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Alcoholic traditions in the shaping of the cultural image of Russia

Demina A.V., Chernichkin D.A.
195-201   591

This article is devoted to the analysis of alcoholic traditions on the territory of Russia and to revealing the degree of their influence on the formation of the cultural image of our country. Since the cultural image of the country is set by means of many intra-state cultural processes and phenomen...
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Women's ecocentrism as a new socio-cultural challenge of western Europe

Lebedeva I.Va.
201-205   453

This article is devoted to the phenomenon of “Regrettingmotherhood”, which attracted the attention of scientists relatively recently. A wide discussion of this problem began after the publication of the study results of the Israeli sociologist O. Donat [1], devoted to the consideration of the am...
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Modern demographic problems in Western Europe: new threats and challenges (socio-cultural aspect)

Macho T., Lebedeva I.Va., Frolova Y.S.
205-210   356

European society faces a new challenge - “childfree”. The term “childfree” characterizes people who voluntary refuse a role of parents because of a number of reasons among which is basically either the aspiration to build a successful career, fear of physiological process of childbearing or ...
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St. John Chrisostom on power duties and authorizations

Shamshurin V.I.
211-218   355

Power in Orthodoxy is a hard burden, humility and those who is striving for power must be conscious about the difficulties and temptations of power which must be estimated and provided for. St. John Chrysostom is one of the eminent representatives of the Eastern Christianity. In his view power is a ...
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The strategy of conceptualizing power in the philosophy of Hannah Arendt

Boitsova O.U.
219-226   383

The article is devoted to the specifics of the interpretation of the concept "power" in the philosophy of Hannah Arendt. It shows common features and differences in political and philosophical approaches to the analysis of power: the use of the concept as a tool of fixation of the object of knowledg...
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P.I. Novgorodtsev and I.A. Ilyin about the revolution of 1917 (general and special political moments)

Ilyin A.A.
226-232   390

In this article, the author analyzes the political ideas of P.I. Novgorod-rodtsev and I.A. Ilyin at an early and late creative stage. The point is that at an early stage, the political thoughts of the teacher and student were directed toward supporting the revolution. Later - they denied it. The aut...
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The final stage of the fight of Argos and the Sparta for hygemony in Peloponness: the role of elite in the transformation of the "dori" aristocratic structure in the democratic

Venidiktova E.A.
233-241   369

The article reveals the role of Argos in the Peloponnese in the archaic period. Two important stages of the struggle between Argos and Sparta for the hegemony - the battle for Thyrea and the Battle of Sepeia are considered. On the basis of the analysis of narrative sources and scholarly literature, ...
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Psychology of management and the modern problem of leadership

Rekesheva F.M.
242-248   334

The topic of elite and leadership is constantly emerging when discussing the problem of management psychology, especially when it comes to vertical schemes of general management. For elitological science the basic principles of management psychology represent a field of special professional interest...
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Foreign policy of Russia at Alexander III (on the role of the outstanding person in political history)

Molchanova V.V.
248-256   598

This article will consider how beliefs, sympathies, personal motives influenced the building of international relations between Russia and foreign powers. Modern historiography interprets the personality of this autocrat as the last strong political force on the Russian throne. From the will and per...
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A few comments about the report of the Spanish art market

AdriГ  HarilloPla
257-259   363

He holds a bachelor's degree in the philosophy of the University of Barcelona and an MA in Art Market. Currently, he develops a doctoral degree in the philosophy of the University of Madrid and the University of Florida. Member of the Spanish Association of Art Critics. He has a large number of scie...
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