The political life of modern China (on materials of printed chinese media)

Kosov G.V., Savtyireva A.A.


The article analyzes the political life of modern China based on the analysis of the materials of such print media as “Zhen'min' Zhibao” and «Zhen'min' Khuabao». It is proved that the main goal of the printed Chinese media, which have their electronic versions on the Internet, is the formation of a positive image of China and clarification of ideological guidelines among Chinese and foreign citizens. Analysis of the political life of modern China allowed us to outline the following directions of the government's activity in creating a political image of the state: the role of the Communist Party of China in the development of socialist democracy, a system of multi-party system, when other parties participate in political life along with the CCP. One of the most acute is the "Taiwan issue", and in this connection the press constantly stresses the unity and cohesion of the Chinese people on this issue.
