Video transmission in social media as a tool for forming a political image

Kurkemova E.T.


The article is devoted to the research of social media area (for example Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) in order to identify the main tendency in the formation of the political image and also to identify the most promising tools for building an image strategy. The subject of research were the accounts of four Russian federal level politicians: Putin V., Medvedev D., Shoigu S and Lavrov S. Based on the conducted research and the real rating of politicians obtained as a result of analytical data has been established the following trend: the higher the level of influence of a politician the more subscribers, communities, comments and reposts he can collect. In our opinion the reverse deterministic connection between these factors is unlikely. The most promising form of social media has been established in the formation of a successful strategy for promoting a political image: Live and Stories in Instagram, which makes it necessary to develop a new profession, the SMM Political Scientist (SMM Politologist).
