Border heterotopia or should be the borders locked

Yakushenkov S.N.


The author analyzes in the article with the help of the Fuconian approach to heterotopic spaces the concept of В«boundaryВ» in the Russian discourse. Defining the boundary as a heterotopy, the author proves that its characteristics are not reduced only to a protective function, but are dictated by a hybrid nature of space under the new geopolical conditions. Neither the physical nor, especially, the cultural spaces can end only on one side of the border, and are continued even further. The border is a kind of space where two cultural landscapes flow into each other. Even in the case where the liminal nature of the border is defined by a strict limit, but even there this space is transparent to a certain extent. All this leads to the appearance of a new transborder space, generated by the heterotopic boundary medium. Previous models of the border, which were limes, are no longer relevant. Very often transboundary territories are in a better position than the central metropolitan areas. At the same time, the current state of international relations, the problems of transnational migration, terrorism, drug trafficking can not completely eliminate the very notion of the border, transferring it to a new level of relations
