The don peasantry in historical science during the pre-revolutionary period

Kolomeytseva M.A.


In article the historiography of the Don peasantry and a peasants question in pre-revolutionary historiography is studied. It is shown, that the regional historiography was formed in line with development of historical science in Russia. The main attention was traditionally paid to the Cossacks, questions of peasants remained almost not studied. The review of historical literature of the pre-Soviet period on subject of the peasantry is made. The greatest attention to a theme of the peasantry of Don is noted from the second half of XIX-at the beginning of the XX century, in the period of an aggravation of an agrarian question in the country in general, and on Don in particular. The analysis of the main materials on history of the Don peasantry in historical literature is carried out, the directions of researches were determined. The general characteristic of works is given, conclusions of researchers were presented. It is shown that the pre-Soviet historiography had an insufficient scientific and methodological basis. In historical researches prevailed works of a descriptive and statistical directions. The conclusion is drawn about importance of a pre-Soviet historiography within which studying of a peasantry question began, considerable historical material was assembled.
