Epochal values and valuable human personalities in the contemporary world

Grineva O.A.


The article provides a brief overview of universal value orientations in different historical periods (Antiquity, middle Ages, modern and contemporary times), and sums up the totality of the moral ideals of humanity. The article also discusses the sociocultural changes that have occurred due to the spread in society of information and communication technologies. The focus from material goods is transferred to the spiritual development and formation of the spiritual comfort of the individual at the present stage of life. The article presents the concept of domestic and foreign scientists about the conditions of existence of modern society and formulated the ways of the adaptation of man to socio-cultural changes with an emphasis on the creative component of the person, through information technologies. It is noted that the progress of information technologies is not so much the destructive force of the moral side of man and society, how much motivating force for further development, transformation and adaptation to the emerging repressive conditions of life. Identified value orientations of modern man, such as social mobility, computer literacy, flexibility and efficiency of thinking. Justified motive to preserve and respect human values, qualities of character and mastery dictated by society behaviors for the harmonious development and existence of man in the modern information society.
