Women's ecocentrism as a new socio-cultural challenge of western Europe

Lebedeva I.Va.


This article is devoted to the phenomenon of “Regrettingmotherhood”, which attracted the attention of scientists relatively recently. A wide discussion of this problem began after the publication of the study results of the Israeli sociologist O. Donat [1], devoted to the consideration of the ambiguous attitude to motherhood. Donat comes to conclusion that the almost taboo problem of maternity regret does not just exist, but goes beyond the tolerant European society and can be relevant in any country in the world. This topic is linked with the culture of traditional society and therefore, caused such a resonance. Such a problemwas caused primarily by women’s emancipation and egocentrism. It indicates possible demographic threats to European society. It is obvious that Europeans may soon be the minority on their own territory due to the low birth rate among the indigenous population and a significant increase in the number of migrants. Public discussion of this topic can provoke an even greater fall in fertility rates, so the reaction to the research of O. Donat and her German followers is multivalued.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2017 No. 4 (53)




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