Influence of civil'trust to state servants on interaction of power and civil society: regional features

Lunev A.P., Mineva O.K., Mordasov A.O., Minev V.S.


The article considers the population's confidence in state civil servants as a social mechanism for stabilizing relations between the state and society, based on the effectiveness of the functioning of the structures of state power and administration. Being a cumulative assessment, trust ialso reflected in the presence or absence of interest of civil servants in supporting the self-organization of citizens, in the manifestation of their social and economic initiatives, in social solidarity. In this context, trust becomes a defining indicator in the system of key performance indicators of professional performance of public civil servants. Particular interest in characterizing the elements, mechanisms, forms of manifestation of confidence in civil servants and the subsequent development of a set of measures aimed at limiting the risks of a В«trust deficitВ» in society is represented by an analysis of the regional aspects of this process. According to the results of the sociological survey, an integral index of public confidence in state civil servants of the executive bodies of state power in the Astrakhan region presented.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2017 No. 4 (53)




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