Issue 2014 No. 4 (41)


Influence of the geographical factor on the historical development of the people of the western Caspian region at the beginning of the first millennium of our era

Darmilova Ella N., Borlakova Farizat Рђ., Abazalieva Larisa Kh.
26-31   343

The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of ancient sources on the peoples of the western Caspian region in comparison with the geological history of the region. The author sought to identify the influence of geological factors on the development of the peoples of the western Caspian region. It i...
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The aggravation of Kalmyk and crimean relations in 1726

Tsyuryumov Aleksandr V..
32-35   307

The article considers the history of the Kalmyk-Crimean relations in the second half of twenties of the 18th century. The author explored the role of Kalmyks and Nogais in the history of relationships between the Russian state and the Crimean khanate. It covers the position of the Kalmyk elite to th...
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The participation of Azerbaijan merchants in internal and external trade of the Astrakhan province in the first half of the XIX century

Imasheva Marina M.
36-44   335

In the first half of the nineteenth century foreign trade through Astrakhan, due to a whole range of social, geopolitical and religious reasons largely concentrated in the hands of the so-called "Asian merchants". A significant role in this group of entrepreneurs played "the Persians". Ethnically, t...
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Reforms of the russian school of the early XX century as a reflection of the state education policy

Nasutseva Fatima A.
44-50   436

Historically it developed that school reforms became the universal characteristic of educational policy of the Russian and Soviet state in the 20th century. With an approach of the new millennium the problem of modernization of an education system is still a challenge not only for modern Russia, but...
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Private property in the NEP: the question on the legislative and political and law regulation

Kholodnyy Maksim A.
50-56   316

The article deals with the problem of development and implementation of state policy in the sphere of regulation of private property under the NEP and its impact on the relations of property, rights of individual citizens, as well as economic activities of economic life. The author has shown that, i...
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Vinogradov Sergey V.
56-66   321

The article considered process formation and development of the whaling in Soviet Union in post-war years on an example of a whaling flotilla the "Glory". It based in Odessa and intended for work in severe conditions of the Antarctic. The author underlines, victory of the USSR in the Second World Wa...
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Business cultures in the context of globalization

Zakutnov Oleg I.
66-73   1250

In article to be set the task, to consider business culture in the context of globalization. To submit the analysis of business culture on the basis of research of variable characteristics which is carried out by G. Hofstede in the XX century for application in practice of the international marketin...
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Preservation of archival documents in 1918-1938 (on the example of the state archives of the lower Volga region)

Timofeeva Yelena G., Burakovskaya Mariya S.
74-84   341

The article attempts to address the problem of preservation of archival documents on the example of the state archives Lower Volga region in the period 1918-1938. Author provides information about the buildings and premises of public archives conditions characterized archival documents; sanctified a...
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Old russian annals of XIII-XV centuries as sample of political journalism (historical analysis)

Kulyabtseva Valentina N., Abazalieva Larisa Kh., Darmilova Ella N., Borlakova Farizat Рђ.
85-92   766

The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of ancient chronicles of XIII-XV centuries. Within the framework of a comprehensive analysis of the content chronicles the author identifies their factors influencing the selection of subjects and their interpretation depending on the centers of their crea...
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International cooperation and prospects of the Caspian region - a preliminary analysis of the results of the Astrakhan summit

Usmanov Rafik Kh.
93-102   321

The main purpose of the article is to try to determine the methodology and direction of the study of political processes in one of the Eurasian regions to which the last decades more and more attention leading powers of the world. Primarily this is due to the fact, to determine and predict the crisi...
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РЎhanging the concept of sovereignty

Novoselov Sergey V.
103-110   317

Sovereignty in political science is usually defined as the most important feature of the state in the form of its full independence within a certain area, that is, its supremacy in domestic politics, as well as its independence in foreign policy. The concept of sovereignty has come a long way of dev...
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Formation of national identity: a comparative analysis of foreign experience

Alaudinov Apty A.
110-118   331

Foreign experience of building nations is crucial for the domestic theory and practice of nation-building. The example the United States is relevant for Russia because the nation-building in the United States based on certain intellectual and ideological foundations, reflecting philosophical liberal...
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Peculiarities of formation of the political system in the republic of Kazakhstan (late XX - early XXI centuries)

Kudryashova Yuliya A.
118-126   360

The article is devoted to the peculiar modes of formation and functioning of the Central Asian political systems in the late XX - early XXI centuries, and their further transformation (the Kazakhstan Republic is taken as an example). The author characterizes the inner and outer factors which shaped ...
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Conceptualization of intensity of political power problems

Narykova Svetlana P.
126-131   318

The article some features of conceptual model of examination political power in the traditional and democratic society intensification problems construction is considered. Author accentuates that power dynamics directly related with dynamics of social relations. The article analyses outward and inte...
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Political personosphere in historical and cultural background: egodocument as a witness of epoch

Bobylev Vladimir V.
131-138   302

The author turns to the problems of sources in the context of political personal sphere in historical and cultural background. Theoretical aspects of source in "personal history"or В«history from belowВ» and specific examples of various kinds of egodocuments are described in the context of a coheren...
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The role of value added tax in the world economy

Tokova Leyla D., Ostapchuk Olga Yu.
139-143   300

The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical approaches to foreign and domestic researchers to the nature and role of value-added tax (VAT) in the world economy. Discusses the nature of added value and role of taxes in the budgets of Russia and developed countries. The value added tax is on...
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Use of foreign practices in countering corruption in russian state control

Lunev Aleksandr P., Markelov Konstantin A., Mordasova Tatyana A., Mineva Oksana K.
143-152   316

Corruption is a social phenomenon, completely eradicate that can not be a single state. However, corruption is one of the constraints on the elements of any socio-economic system, regardless of the mode shape of the device, ideology, secularity. Over the centuries, in the world of public administrat...
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Audit board of the Russian Federation as the main subject of the state audit

Mineva Oksana K., Voynov Igor V., Safrygin Yuriy V., Khramova Tatyana M.
152-158   373

The article presents the main activities of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, as the main subject of public audit in our country. State audit is a tool for management control and management of public resources in order to create conditions for a dignified life and free development of a...
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State financial control as an element of state audit: essence and forms. Experience in the field of financial control in the Astrakhan region

ShvedРѕv Vitaliy A., Sokolov Oleg V., Peshkova Polina V.
159-165   301

The article presents an overview of existing forms and experiences of state financial control. The authors reveal the importance of the state financial control as the final stage of planning and management of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation...
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Frontiermen: to the anniversary of the Nicholas Roerich

Baeva Lyudmila V.
166-170   401

October 9, 2014 marked 140 years since the birth of Nicholas Roerich - Russian philosopher, artist, who discovered the western world secrets of the soul of the Orient Culture. European Education, Knowledge of the Russian philosophical tradition enabledhim to receive spiritual tradition of India and ...
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Elite educational environment

Karabushchenko Natalya B.
171-176   281

In this article the author opens essence of educational environment of higher education institution and reveals the main conditions and principles, promoting creation and formation of the elite environment of institute. The author also gives the analysis of the main concepts and approaches of this p...
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The network resources of political elites formation under conditions of the new political reality

Miroshnichenko Inna V., Morozova Yelena V.
176-183   476

In this paper the characteristics of social transformations caused by network society development are dicussed, including how it affects the formation of a new political reality. The objective of the study is to evaluate the role of the networks development effects in formation of new political elit...
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Influence of resources and strategies of political elite in the political process in the north Caucasus

Salgiriev Ali R.
184-189   344

The article examines the impact of the resources, strategies and principles of operation of the activity of political elites. Describes the structure and mechanisms of formation of elites. The distinctive characteristics of the clan elites is the hidden principle of organization, decision-making, ex...
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Voluntary childlessness as concequence of breakdown of family institution in modern russian society

Bicharova Mariya M., Pitsenko Oksana V.
190-196   413

The article studies national and ethnic peculiarities of “childfree” ideology, spread by the representatives of “free from children” movement, people who voluntary refuse from being parents. Besides some typical behaviour and motivations for “childfree” all around the world, native non-p...
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В«The Skull & BonesВ» or barbarians, heroes and educated knights of colonization

Yakushenkov Sergey N.
197-208   327

The article is devoted to the crosscultural analyses of colonial models. On the example of functioning of an elite secret society В«Skull and bonesВ» that was organized in the first half of the XIX century in Yale University, the author reveals the attitude of the colonizers to the posthumous remain...
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To a question about the economic potential of Buddhist culture

Ulanov Mergen S., Ulanova Galina V.
208-215   300

The article deals with the problem of the economic potential of Buddhist culture. The relevance of the topic is due to the interest in the problems of the philosophical, ethical and axiological underpinning of economic development of the society. It is witnessed by the increasing amount of researche...
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Khlystovshchina: historical and culturological analysis

Kanateva Natalya S.
215-227   354

Khlustovshina is considered one of the most popular sects of Russia of the XIX century , being, at the same time, one of the most mysterious. To date there is no single hypothesis about the origin of both names, and sects, and its features. Most researchers recognized old believer’s roots of Khlus...
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Museum space: from space to hunger... (to the history of the development and transformation of the museum Velimir Khlebnikov in Astrakhan)

Marisova Nataliya D., Petrov Aleksandr I.
228-236   299

The article traces the transformation of the exposure of the House-Museum of Velimir Khlebnikov in Astrakhan since the idea of opening the memorial complex to the modern species presentation of cultural heritage. Analyzes design and design decisions in the supply of Museum exhibits....
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The role of the "era of simulacra" in shaping a Person Travelling

Dryagalov Vyacheslav S., Topchiev Mikhail S.
236-241   318

The article analyzes the views of a number of philosophers (G. Bataille, P. Klossowski, J. Baudrillard, J. Deleuze and J. Derrida) on the problem of the impact of simulation of reality generated by simulacra, on modern culture. This issue is especially relevant in the analysis of the reasons that in...
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Consumer culture of the Russian society: myths and reality

Marmilova Marina Alekseevna
242-246   296

Mass society creates consumer culture which is based on the program of consumption of benefits by all members of society. The consumer, leaning on available resources, fits into a framework of this cultural program. The consumer culture is a peculiar mechanism of people’s adaptation in society. In...
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Feasibility analysis of the introduction of additional control measures on the Civic activity on the internet

Obidin Nikita A.
246-257   302

The reason for writing this article is the recently adopted law on the control of bloggers, this law imposed restrictions may be just the beginning of measures to tighten control over the Internet. There is a need to study the issue of abstracting emotional evaluations, and with it using the compara...
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The concepts of utopia and dystopia in Russian social and philosophical thought

Yusupova Larisa M.
257-262   325

This article discusses the basic domestic socio-philosophical concepts explores the phenomenon of utopia and dystopia dedicated to its ideological and cultural roots and its impact on the public and personal development. The author highlights the most critical tradition understanding utopia in Russi...
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The main directions of Spanish foreign policy during the x legislature of Mariano Rajoy (2011-2014)

Kosyak Yelena Vladimirovna
262-273   306

Mariano Rajoy's People's Party won the general elections 2011 in Spain. The winning party faces today a set of domestic and foreign policy challenges in view of a general strategy to find a way out of the deep economic crisis, creation of favorable external conditions for the long-term social and ec...
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Problems and prospects of "oil strategy" in foreign policy of Azerbaijan

Gamidov Sanan Salekh ogly
274-280   303

History of creation of oil policy of Azerbaijan, power policy of Azerbaijan after disintegration of the Soviet Union, the conclusion " contract of the Century", its influence on economy and foreign policy of the country, scales of realization and an advance problem of "Oil strategy", a role of exhib...
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Family and social parasites (the review of the book by N. Huber "Childless: or why people without offspring are not social parasites")

281-286   317


Refugees of Great War in the astrakhan province of 1915-1918

Timofeeva Yelena G., Lebedev Sergey V.
288-295   304

In article, the fleeing problem during World War I on the example of the Astrakhan province is investigated. Introduction in a scientific turn of a complex not studied before sources of regional character allows to characterize features of realization of governmental policy on places, activity of pu...
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Cultural and domestic problems of the soviet village during the Great Patriotic war (1941-1945): on the material of the lower Volga

Krasnozhenova Yelena Ye.
295-303   286

The article describes the features of the solution cultural and social problems in rural areas of the Lower Volga region during the Great Patriotic War. Showing the difficulties encountered in the procurement process of collective farmers and the rural intelligentsia food and essentials. Were low le...
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В«Frontier as a heuristic model of historical and cultural knowledgeВ». Round Table

Yakushenkov Sergey N., Romanova Anna P., Baeva Lyudmila V., Khlyshcheva Yelena V., Morozova Yelena V., Yakushenkova Oksana S.
304-314   305

Frontier, as a special model of the historical development of various countries, for a long time has been analyzed in detail mainly by historians. Recently, however, this problem starts to agitate the minds of scientists of other fields of knowledge. And the very concept of the frontier has gone far...
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Sanctity as elitism (on the example of Sergey Radonezhsky Life)

Karabushchenko Pavel L.
316-324   298

The history of Christianity knows on recalculation the names of those people who showed the examples of the highest sanctity and lit up in darkness as reference points for others which took a mystical way of improvement of the spirit. For a long time elitology didn't deal with a problem of a mystica...
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The “Russian Autumn” in Armenia M.Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin: Russian literature and national literatures

Lebedeva Irena V., Lebedeva Lyudmila K., Priorova Irina V.
325-326   300

“The national interests of Russia of the XXI century” - the first congress of the Russian Political Science Society

Podvoiskiy Leonid Ya.
327-330   294

The report on the First Congress of the Russian Political Science Society which took place last summer 2014 in Suzdal is a brief description of the main activities of this scientific forum. The author gives the data characterizing parameters of the event and the main topics discussed there. The Cong...
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Touches to the portrait. Memory Valery Aleksandrovich Pyatin

331-333   292