Influence of resources and strategies of political elite in the political process in the north Caucasus

Salgiriev Ali R.


The article examines the impact of the resources, strategies and principles of operation of the activity of political elites. Describes the structure and mechanisms of formation of elites. The distinctive characteristics of the clan elites is the hidden principle of organization, decision-making, excluding national or group interests. In connection with a new mechanism for the formation of heads of subjects of the Russian Federation, is in the process of strengthening the regional elites at the expense of law enforcement agencies, the federal government, which changes the quality of the elites. Continuing centralization of power vertical. Conducting Institute embassy of the Russian President in the federal districts, the appointment of the subjects of Russia, etc. are the measures for strengthening the vertical of power in the country. Political elites are analyzed as a factor of conflicts in the Northern Caucasus, priregalirovannuyu politically dominant group, the main principle of "occurrence" which is not professional quality, and personal loyalty, belonging to a specific teip, families, clans, etc. Focuses on informal organization principles etnoelit in the political process, client relations with the incorporation into the elite. At the same time, we study the ethno-political movement in the North Caucasus, according to the author, they carry the potential for conflict, as manipulated public opinion based on the traditional institutions and practices.
