International cooperation and prospects of the Caspian region - a preliminary analysis of the results of the Astrakhan summit

Usmanov Rafik Kh.


The main purpose of the article is to try to determine the methodology and direction of the study of political processes in one of the Eurasian regions to which the last decades more and more attention leading powers of the world. Primarily this is due to the fact, to determine and predict the crisis in the region in the field of international relations. Maybe it will reduce their negative impact and will contribute to the prediction and finding ways of their resolution. The Caspian region is an area of Central Eurasia, which is a kind of linchpin (axle), where on the one hand (North) presented the Christian world (in Russia), and on the other (South) Muslim world (in the centre of which is Iran). During the last three hundred years, Russia and Iran were the main geopolitical players, determining the rules and nature of this "game". The fall of the Soviet Union resulted in a significant change in the status of the Caspian sea - to two countries (Russia and Iran) for his political map added three more - Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, once part of the USSR. The main wealth of the Caspian sea are oil and gas. A special place is the transport importance of the Caspian sea as "water knot" on the road "North-South", "West-East". Hence the great importance of military-political significance of the Caspian sea: the waters washed Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Discussion become an acute problem of the legal status of the Caspian Sea, which halasted for more than two decades. The status of the Caspian sea became a subject of international forums, approvals and consultations. VI Caspian summit, held on 28-29 September 2014 (Russia - Astrakhan) approved three industry-specific agreements for the protection of biological resources, prevention and prevention of emergency situations, as well as cooperation in the field of Hydrometeorology. Summing up the results of the Astrakhan summit, noted that for the countries of the Caspian region in need of modernization on the basis of joint cooperation, which means achieving a level of socio-economic and political development, which meets all the requirements of modern times. It is important to emphasize that the creation of a General concept of the use of resources of the Caspian sea is possible only if the system of scientific approach and based on a deep philosophical understanding of the global problems of modern civilization. Therefore, the solution of the problems of the Caspian region cannot be separated from the solution of global problems of the Eurasian States - geopolitical, economic, social, environmental and other. These problems can be successfully resolved only on the basis of the combined efforts of politicians and scientists from different fields and countries of the Caspian region.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2014 No. 4 (41)




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