The role of value added tax in the world economy

Tokova Leyla D., Ostapchuk Olga Yu.


The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical approaches to foreign and domestic researchers to the nature and role of value-added tax (VAT) in the world economy. Discusses the nature of added value and role of taxes in the budgets of Russia and developed countries. The value added tax is one of the most significant from the viewpoint of formation of a profitable part of the Federal budget, but at the same time the most problematic tax in Russia. His collection as an indirect tax is aimed primarily at solving the fiscal problems of the state. In many foreign countries it was used to cover budget deficits, as the increase in tax rates on direct taxes, as a rule, leads to slower capital accumulation and reduced business activity. However, VAT is to play a role in regulating economic and social processes in the country. The value-added tax as the most significant indirect tax has two complementary functions: fiscal and regulatory. The first is to mobilize significant revenues from this tax to the budget at the expense of ease of collection and the stability of the taxation base. The second, in turn, regulates the function is manifested in the promotion of capital formation and strengthening of control over the timing of promotion of goods and their quality. During the existence of the value added tax is a mechanism for the calculation and collection has undergone significant changes. In this regard, the taxpayers, there are many questions concerning the interpretation and explanation of the procedure for imposing this tax. This circumstance mainly determines the relevance of the topic of this article.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2014 No. 4 (41)




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